Friday, October 14, 2011

[no subject]

Legislators represent corporate interests, because that's who funds their campaigns.  Candidates use that money to make TV commercials that lie to us.  Then, when we stupidly elect them, they screw us, enacting legislation for the interests that really got him re-elected.  I'm looking at you, almost every representative, Republican and Democrat.

My favorite boogeyman genius Norquist thinks that the proper role for the president of the US is to be rubber stamp.  Check the last paragraph in this link.

So in summary the GOP thinks the proper role for election of representatives is gerrymandering, voter suppression, rubberstamping.  And people are foolish enough to keep voting for them.

Once people, blue, red, purple, whatever, finally admit that democracy in the US is a joke, because we've allowed those with money to collect all of the power and laws, we can move on to either fixing the mess [reversing Citizens United and enacting campaign finance law is essentially a revolution at this point] or accepting enslavement.

Empower citizens in other nations to stand up for a living wage and a healthier environment.  You cannot fight a multinational in a single country or even on a single continent.  OWS needs to spread -EVERYWHERE-.  Defund banks, use credit unions.  Support farmers, invest money locally.  It's really not rocket science.


"The good news is the next Republican president only needs a forefinger and then pen and the capacity to hold a pen, he doesn't need to come up with ideas," Norquist said. "We have a Republican House, we will have a Republican Senate, they will fix the tax code and send them stuff to sign. He can fly around in a cool big plane and hang around the White House and he can sign the legislation that [House Speaker John] Boehner and [Senate Minority Leader] Mitch McConnell send him, and we'll be fine."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Then one foggy election eve ...

I find myself interested, hopeful, and at the same time ambivalent about the historic recall elections occurring tonight.

A change of helm may make Wisconsin's citizens feel more involved in the process and their own destiny, but I ask; now what?  How do we really fix the serious economic problems we have?

We can't just roll back all of the legislation.  We can return taxes to a more sustainable level, but that won't solve any long term problems.

Nearly all of us share at least one common goal; to provide to those who depend on us and to make sure the next generation is no worse off than the current.

Personally, I am concerned for many things.

That when my son enters the workforce in 20 years he will be competing against older americans for which retirement is no longer a feasible option.  It's conceiveable that social security and health insurance programs [if they exist at all] will be paying out 50 to 75% of what they pay today [adjust for inflation].  Shrinking wages and rising unemployment means more people living paycheck to paycheck and fewer Americans will have access to save in individual retirement accounts.  Just because I -might- be financially doesn't mean that all of those earning less than me will be.  Aren't we supposed to care about what happens to our fellow man?

I am concerned with the overall lack of tranparency in most elected officials regardless of party, and the reductions in liberty that both have promoted

I am concerned that we are willing to allow our leaders to turn our collective backs on society to perpetuate the economic model we have, one that is clearly not working well and is distorted by pay to play politics and campaigning.

We can't just eliminate programs without providing an opportunity to earn these things on their own in the so called free market.  What sort of jobs are needed as technology continues to produce automation and efficiencies of scale?  We cannot turn back the torrent of technology.
How do we balance resources, population, and consumption?

I don't know the answers to these things.  I know all things are finite and self correcting, including economic growth, so is tying the necessities of life [food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, water] to it a smart thing?

I would actually be sympethetic to the situation in London if they were looting necessities of life.  I'm not saying it would make it "right", but LCD TVs are not necessities.  My TV is from the 20th century.  I manage to survive day to day.

Some will always act outside accepted societal means.  I believe people are free to channel their energies into a negative or positive matter.  Are there scalable ways to deal with those who choose the negative path without suspending liberty for all?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is GOP infighting on the debt limit really about the future of the GOP itself?

Why won't the GOP take the 3 parts cuts to 1 part revenue deal?  From what I understand the tax hike doesn't kick in until 2013.  If the GOP takes the white house and keep the house and senate, they could just do whatever they wanted [like in Wisconsin!] and roll back the tax hike in 2013 with legislation.

If the tax increase goes in, and the majority of voters are FURIOUS about it just like the Tea Party says they are, who are those FURIOUS voters going to vote for in 2012?  They sure as hell are not going to vote Democrat.  So what's the problem?

I think the problem is that classic GOP [vs the Tea Party running under the Republican Party name] fears facing Tea Party candidates that are even -MORE- radically right in 2012 primaries and losing.  It only takes 51% of voters in one of the existing parties to hijack that party and go whatever direction they want to go.

The Tea Party 'sweep' of 2010 proved what we already know; The US has a two party system.  Had the Tea Party ran as a third party they wouldn't have had GOP majority in the house and senate and they couldn't try to u-turn the country based on a populace of 20 to 30% of the voters.  The GOP knows they are in a symbiotic relationship with the Tea Party and have no clue what to do.

The only other outcome I can come up with is that if the Bush Tax cuts for the wealthy are allowed to expire that the majority of Americans will have a positive view of Obama, they'll re-elect him for 4 more years and boot the GOP out of majorities in the house and senate.  By not allowing the revenue increases it makes the Democrats look bad.  But using the same voting logic, do you really think a Democratic voter that wants the tax increases to help balance the budget is going to vote Republican/Tea Party in 2012 if they succeed in not getting revenue raises as part of the package?  Fat chance.

Where are the recent, significant public polling results about support for expiration of the Bush Tax cuts for the wealthy?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chocolate rations have been increased from 100 grams to 80 grams.

Rant Cornucopia follows


So now revenue neutral means raising revenue?

I've got an idea for helping to strengthen social security; collect taxes to fund the program instead of legislating a 2% tax cut?  McCain, I thought you were better than this.


Seems like the CEO's have wised up and realized that deferred compensation is a bad idea.  Maybe they know the stock ship lollipop is about to hit the iceberg..  Too bad state workers didn't figure it out.

Funny, I missed my 23% raise.  According to the NY times the average American worker got a 0.5% raise.  I've had a 5% pay cut since 2009.  This year brought news that I could be in the unemployment like in two years.  More than likely the job I do will be outsourced out of state or country.


“I have little question that as long as this president is in the Oval Office, a real solution is unattainable,” Mitch McConnell, 2011

“the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”  Mitch McConnell, 2010

Sounds bipartisan to me.

"President Obama needs to decide between his goal of higher taxes or a bipartisan plan to address our deficit. He can't have both.". 

Well, so much for bipartisian.

“Why are we continuing down the same path when it is not working?” asked Mr. Scott, the freshman class leader, who said that freshman Republicans have the long-term fiscal health of the nation in mind.

Dear Mr Scott.  $4 trillion cut over 10 years is not serious?  Sorry that only 3 Trillion came from cuts and 1 Trillion came from revenue increases.  If you could do math, you'd still see it was a net gain for the GOP of 2 Trillion.

Boehner doesn't "hope" they can work their way through this.  The way -they- see it, the worse shape this country is in, the better their chances in 2012. 

It appears the GOP couldn't care less about the consequences of widespread unemployment, depression, chaos or even militias groups forming in the U.S.  Otherwise they'd just up the limit like they did from 2000 to 2008.

If the GOP wants a US-wide Christian theocracy, single party dictatorship, or whatever, they could wait until 2012 and give it a shot. 


This is what happens when an extreme third party decides to run in a two party system as one of the existing parties.

In Minnesota, the GOP controls 56% of the Senate, 54% of the House, and wants 100% of the control.  Wisconsin GOP is furious about our recalls, running fake democrat in primarie to buy time to install voter ID and gerrymander the poll maps, yet of the 53% of the people that voted in Walker in Wisconsin [before any of the far right nonsense started], I refuse to believe that 100% of them thinks that my rep should have ZERO voice.  I have to believe it's the same in Minnesota. 

WI has a GOP Governor, House, and Senate, so the Democrats in our state basically might as well not show up.  That's about how much input the other 47% of the state has right now.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Return of the rant

Will 2011 will go down in history as the year that the GOP lets the US default and cause a global depression? 

Among first OR second world countries we have the -third- lowest revenue compared to GDP.  Only Mexico and Chile are lower.  Wow, we sure are taxed to death.  Not.  I guess the Tea Party and the GOP wants to rename the entire country New Mexico.

Partisan politics has gotten so pathetic in this country that the GOP has to attack Obama just because he is "not one of them".  Obama's policies are moderate fiscally and socially, unlike the current GOP agenda.

Let's compare Medicare Part D to "Obamacare". 

Medicare Part D: largest totally unfunded corporate handout:

"Obamacare": funded from Medicare cuts, corporate handout.

Obamacare is a corporate handout?  Hell Yes.  By requiring folks to carry insurance in the private sector.  A Government takeover of healthcare you say?  That would have been a mandatory single payer system, not a single payer -OPTION-, which is what we really needed.  That's right, I'm one of those 'under 40 nutcases' that thinks the law wasn't liberal -enough-.

I -can not- believe people would want to repeal the ability for people with pre-existing conditions to get health insurance.  Really, what is wrong with you?  Remember, do unto others and payback is a b**ch.  Clearly this has voters confused as they have been trained to attack those who are not on their team.

Bush drove up the debt 4 to 5 trillion dollars and left the economy in the toilet at the end of his term for this moment.  Wars, Medicare Part D, tax cuts for those who need them least.  Where were you then, Tea Party?  Oh, that's right, you weren't funded by Billionaires yet, because the GOP was still in control and executing their plan to "Starve The Beast".

Grover Norquist, you suck.

The 2000 to 2008 presidency was all about getting this country to the brink of bankruptcy.  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!  This $**t was planned all along.  Hell, that 70+ year old Senator d00d from Vermont figured it out.  What's his name, Colonel Sanders?

The GOP worked so hard over the last eight years to irrevocably damage the US permenantly.  Raising revenue now could ultimately mean all of their hard work of hating on non rich people was for naught.

Sorry Barack, I naively thought that bipartisanship was possible, too, but clearly it's not when the other side wants 100% of their way and 0% of yours.  Obama needs to start kicking ass, taking names, or risk alienating his base. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

All Trump Edition

Trump is an angry billionaire with a big ego who is will acquainted with personal bankruptcy.  He's not the right choice for the GOP unless the GOP wants to lose.

Seriously, is Trump here just to make Palin look sane?  Because it's working.  I see what you're doing there, pushing the needle so far to the right that it changes the definition of center.  Nice try.

Hasn't Trump figured out that if we tax the imports of those Chinese motherfu**rs [his words, not mine] 25% that umm, maybe in addition to just raising the price of everything 25%, they'll just call our debt?  Then what Trump?  Do we bomb them?

Ohh, did I mention that alot of Trump empire branded goods come from China?  What a hypocrite.  Anything for a buck?

PS, quit it with the moving target sideshow.  You're really embarrassing yourself, the GOP, and the US.  If you actually care about this country focus on real issues and real solutions.

Trump's history:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Corporate Takeover Edition

Direct quote: "More money is more free speech"

Tennessee has authorized corporations to directly give money to candidates and political parties.

A nice indicator of how f'd up the stock market is.  Computers and those who program them have decided the financial state of not only our economy, but the global economy in general, based on imaginary, not physical assets, and their wordsmithed press releases.  Yup, regulation is the last thing we need.

Did you miss this parlor trick the Dems tried to pull on the GOP?  LOL.  If you're going to get paid $172k/yr at least pay attention.  What does the GOP -really- want to do with our country?

Hey GOP, where are all of the "jobs, jobs, jobs" bills that you were going to propose as part of the mandated "change"?  Since the Dems got shellacked the unemployment rate has went UP.

Oh, that's right.  This is what you've been up to.

Yeah, you guys alot better than our moderate Republican president, Obama.

The bankruptcy of Borders; one just closed a few blocks from home.

"This is what we can expect of a Republican or Tea Party America, a land where corporations reward themselves for running themselves into the ground and putting untold thousands out of work, all the while holding these incompetents up as examples of what this country needs. This is the bleak reality of how corporate America works. I submit to you that this country needs the 6,000 put out of work by Borders than the few executives who through gross negligence forced the company into bankruptcy."

When my kid grows up I'm hoping they turn out to be a failed CEO so that they can run a business into the ground and still get a million dollar bonus.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Andrew Breitbart is perhaps the most eloquent community uniter in the history of the United States.

Have a look at the video:

The #1 comment on this video at time of post:
"Fuck the liberals! Death to unions!"

Look, if you share ideology similar to the Tea Party, I disagree, but don't have a problem with you expressing your views.  I just hope you are able to articulate a lot better than this guy, because it's amazing how low we have sunk in being able to make intelligent debate. 

I may not have figured out how nasty of an end game you are trying to get to, but I can see through all of this bull$hit.  I know this goes well beyond the anti abortion, union busting, voter restricting, robin hood in reverse taxation, whip a bunch of fringe groups into a lather and then bust out the elected official/town dissolving path you've went down so far.  And this is the first 4 months!  Good grief.

Did he -really- make the argument that we are witnessing the death of community organizing?  What, are you and your followers really that ignorant about what's happening in the world?  Whether you like the outcome or not, have you NOT seen what the internet has done for community organizing halfway around the globe in the first part of 2011?

Did you miss the memo that Gadaffi SHUT DOWN TELECOMMUNICATIONS to try to stay in rule?

Oh wait, of course you have.  The Tea Party was started by billionaires in 2009 after you saw how the internet has whooped Republican a$$ in community organization in getting Obama into the office.  McCain lost by almost 10 MILLION votes.

The death of community organizing will happen when you have KILLED all of those who oppose you, just like Gadaffi is trying to exterminate those who oppose him.  Let me guess; when we get a Tea Party president, maybe we'll HELP Gadaffi so that he can help end community organizing?  Is that maybe what the Tea Party president will do?  Bypass our democratically elected republic and to bypass the constitutional amendment process and make dissention speech illegal?

The internet can bring together anyone with like opinions, no matter how much of a minority they represent.  Deal with it, or come out and say that you oppose free speech.

Rest assured if that happens, your group will eventually faction and rise up against you, Tea Party.  Hell Andrew, you might personally even be the voice of the dissension.

But lets go down this path for awhile.  So if what we are witnessing is the death of community organizing, are you really just admitting to the fact that the "Tea Party" is a concocted group and not organized by the community?  Well then WHO is organizing the Tea Party?  Oh, that's right, the tea party represents the "SILENT MAJORITY".

Here we go with this SILENT MAJORITY bull$hit again.

The SILENT majority wants a war in vietnam.  LOL!  How did history treat you on that one, War and Nixon lovers?  Did you even bother to notice that the Silent Majority in that case were LABOR UNIONISTS claiming support for the war?

I recommend reading the entire article below.  It puts current events into perspective.

So given legislation we have seen so far, what else does the SILENT MAJORITY want? 

Abortion outlawed under any circumstances, including RAPE and INCEST.  WRONG.  See the Gallup polls.  You're just abusing how the definition of pro-choice and pro-life have changed.  People still feel the same way.

The SILENT MAJORITY wants a major change in socialized healthcare of all kinds [Medicare, Medicaid].  NOPE.  Scroll down to "Don't Mess With Medicare"

Well clearly the The SILENT MAJORITY wants to $hitcan social security, education, welfare?  NOPE.

It's pretty obvious that when you resort to "Silent majority" and to lie about majorities to push an agenda you don't have a leg to stand on, and you're resorted to voodoo mind control to try to get your way.

I'm sure that these Tea Partiers, 30 years from now, after a career of one after another low wage jobs with no benefits thanks to their efforts, then they are faced with either the choice of dying on the streets are having their COMMUNITY TAKE CARE OF THEM, will be up in arms with pitchforks over what has happened.

It's called CIVILIZATION folks.  Mankind is our business, but we lost our way under the guise of capitalistic freedom if we let the dollar overrun our morals.

-IF- there is a silent majority, they DO NOT MATTER.  In our country you VOTE for a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED REPUBLIC.  In a democratically elected republic America if you do not vote you have NO OFFICIAL VOICE.  In our democratically elected republic you do not override the will of the people.

Quit treating OUR democratically elected republic as a farce.  If you approve of destroying our Government then come out and vote for it. Otherwise you are a -coward-, not a patriot, for not voting in what you believe.

Republican #1 tactic.  Accuse the other guy of doing EXACTLY what you are doing.  I'm the enemy because I disagree with your bull$hit.   OK. That makes sense, because you keep hiding behind the SILENT MAJORITY.

The RICH and POWERFUL who use this excuse to turn America into a 2nd or 3rd world dictatorship should make ALL Americans sick.

And finally.  It's call free speech Andrew Breitbart.  It's not cool to call our Gov a Koch Sucker but you can tell me to go to hell?  YOU go to hell yourself.  How's that for division?

Fall of the Roman Empire:  I think our decline was much faster

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cornucopia #1

I'm taking my blog weekly [or whenever].  Yay.

Rant of the week:

Democrat against Republican, private against public, region against region (Madison now encompasses 32 counties according our Gov), haves against have nots, state against state.  This is the face of conservatism in Wisconsin.

We the People award

Scott Walker loves majorities so much that he passed a bill to require unions to win a majority (not plurality) of workers during the mandated annual certification votes.

And he loves referenda so much that the same bill would legally require a state-wide referendum to give public workers any wage increase above the rate of inflation.

Yet, when the courts are about to strike down a public referendum in support of required paid sick leave in Milwaukee, what is Walkers stance?  His stance is that the referendum DOES NOT MATTER because it DOES NOT MATCH HIS IDEOLOGY.

What other mandates might they ignore?  Minimum wage referendums?  Pro Choice referendums? 

Is it any wonder what will happen in the Supreme Court when We The People finally have a referendum on limiting money as speech in elections??

Luckily, as the US crumbles due to failing infrastructure and the promotion of idiocracy and ideoogy instead of using facts and thinking, at least I'll still live in '$number square miles surrounded by reality'.!-First-City-in-the-Nation-to-Do-So

Democracy my ass.

Faith based Government

Dear Christians; why don't you eat your own dog food and let God judge these people instead of forcing your beliefs on others?

GOP's grass roots movement efforts.

Tee hee.  Can't raise enough money in state, can't get enough canvassers in state.  That silent majority sure is silent.  Maybe they're just getting ready for when there is no longer and freedom of speech.

Fixing the Deficit:

Umm, hi.  Obama is not a Republican.  He might not be a Democrat, but he is not a Republican. 

Expecting Obama to roll over on actually fixing this country instead of pushing a Tea Party Libertarian ideology of limited Government is, well, absurd. 

I think most sensible people understand that fixing the debt will require a mix of cutting spending and raising taxes.

The taxes in America are NOT high compared to other first world nations.  So, are we shooting for a second or third world nation?

Here is a link comparing the plans.

Corporate outrage:

All companies, big and small, should be treated the same.  If the small busisnesses, which Republicans claim to be helping, can't get the same deal tax breaks as the big guys, then voting Republican is just saying "OK" to a different type of welfare that only benefits the 2%.

Twitter, who has an  essentially non tangible 'product' has joined the ranks of corporate awesomeness.  Maybe not paying the same taxes as everyone else is a sign that you've made it as a company [or individual] in the US.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Miraculously Waukesha County found a bunch of extra votes.

Well, it looks like's demand last night for 'preserving their victory' has been answered by a miraculous finding that Brookfield's votes weren't included.  How is this even possible given all precincts had supposedly reported?

fact: oddities aren't new to Waukesha County

From the above article, and I -quote-: "... Nickolaus removed the election results collection and tallying system from the county computer network this spring and installed it on standalone personal computers in her office. She has said they are backed up with redundant systems."

She is the Republican County Clerk of Waukesha who used to work for the Assembly Republican Caucus

another fact: Prosser's legal team includes a man that worked for George Bush in the 2000 Florida elections

fact: Walker today said "I think it's pretty clear that you have two different world's in this state, you've got a world driven by Madison and and a world driven by everybody else out across the majority of the state of Wisconsin." 

This is a NON PARTISIAN ELECTION YOU DUMBASS.  Yeah, I know, non partisan is a JOKE, which is exactly why it is a JOKE to think that Supreme Court justices aren't biased, which you are basically admitting like everyone else who voted partisian in this election, because otherwise you wouldn't give two poops who was elected justice.
Evidentally to Walker, most of western Wisconsin, Milwaukee [which had a 40 percentage point swing away from a conservative county executive], and extreme north Wisconsin are all part of Madison now.  Wow, thanks for the geography lesson.  Yup, it's us vs them in the US.  Not US together.  Walker, your classy proclamations of dividing people are getting a little OLD.


I wouldn't have given two poops about the Supreme Court race had you not taken this holier than thou attitude towards folks that don't see the world through your eyes.  For my entire adult life until two months ago, while I voted and paid attention, I didn't really give a crap until you brought your big shot attitude into the Governor's office and then decided that you are only going to be governor for half the state and ACTIVELY ALIENATE AND DEMONIZE those that "dare" see the world differently?  That somehow you have deluded yourself to think that this state is filled to brim with fiscal and social conservatives and everyone else should, I don't know, should we be deported?  Should I put a triangle on my sleeve?

Walker could have admitted that even if the election turned around by, oh lets say 7500 votes, partisianly, we are deeply divided and we will work together to move Wisconsin forward but no, that wouldn't be his way.  He's going to keep beating his partisan drum until he is beat out of office, which I hope happens next year.

Dane County has 488,073 people and provided 133,513 votes to Kloppenberg, less than 19% of votes statewide, yet somehow 'Madison' drives the state.  Washington and Waukesha counties have 112043 votes for Prosser and 498122 people live there.

How about as a pinko liberal communist bast*rd I'll say that "-I- think it's pretty clear that you have two different world's in this state, you've got a world driven by Milwaukee suburbs and a world driven by everybody else out across the majority of the state of Wisconsin."  Guess what, that doesn't sound very sane or fair either, does it?

Even if Kloppenberg loses, she picked up 30 percentage points between the primary and the final tally.  If Prosser had the actual votes to win this election, I 100% -whole heartedly agree- that he deserves to be the Justice, even if he likes to threaten to destory his b*tch of a coworker.  I mean, free speech and all.

Republicans, who in the 2010 election cycle are proving to be -very interested- in weakening elected legislatures [by appointing more and more posts in scandalous ways].

And now, a voting scandal, which it is EVEN IF the results are legitimate, where a republican in a republican county who has basically 'privatized' the clerk process against the wishes of the Waukesha County Board were brushed aside, and miraculously saves the day to get Prosser re-elected.


* An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage: "a bribery scandal".
* The outrage or anger caused by such an action or event
* Rumor or malicious gossip about such events or actions
* A state of affairs regarded as wrong or reprehensible and causing general public outrage or anger

I'm sure you'll understand if I'm just a -tad- skeptical about what is happening in Waukesha County.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Police States, Zombies, defending against coup d'état.

Wow, sorry I missed this gem.  Huckabee makes his proclamation about 1:15 into this video.

Ok, so 2012 GOP potential Huckabee is against the first amendment and is for an evangelical police state?  Umm, last I knew, only CRIMINALS or POLICE OFFICERS UPHOLDING THE LAW force people to do things at gunpoint?  Am I right?  I thought in this country we valued freedom.  You respect me, I respect yours.

David Barton is a self admitted historical revisionist.

Am I really supposed to believe the majority of the country thinks that the first amendment is a bad idea?  You can be a Christian without treading on the Constitution on our country or the rights of others.  Will the sensible Christians please stand up against this crap?

I might as well also comment on the -massive- Tea Party Rally in DC last Friday demanding $61B in budget cuts.

Two URLs have verified the turnout to be... 3 Million?  300,000?  Try..  300 people!

HAHA!!!!!  TOO FUNNY tea partiers.  So I'm supposed to accept that -300- people showing up to protest in DC are representative of the ideals of 300 Million people?  I say let the 300 people "hold their ground" on demanding cuts.  Over 70,000 people showed up in Madison alone to protest -against- the tea party and Scott Walker's idelogical moves, trying to "hold their ground", and see how well -our- wishes were respected by -our- Government?

Now, I know there are more than 300 tea partiers, but come on.  This was week, um, 6 or so, I've lost count, of protests in Madison, and there were more -zombies- protesting today than 300.  Yes, I said zombies.

The biggest 'tea party' turnout in Wisconsin supporting Walker has been about 600 people.  Am I really supposed to believe the tea party represents America?  Does the tea party really care -that little- about Government to not even show up to defend it?

Don't parents teach anyone that in America we compromise and respect?  What exactly are kids learning these days?

I'm all in favor of the Tea Party being represented.  In fact, let's create a three [or more] party system; libertarian [tea party], democratic, and republican, and see how much power the tea party has.  I say three or more because I'm not happy with the Democrats, so sign me up for 'The Left'.   

Why exactly are Republicans content with letting the tea party overthrow their party? 

I'll have to admit, I can't wait for the Tea Party to take the white house in 2012.  Maybe they can crank up racial and religous profiling and internet censorship too.  Can't have those infidels organizing and exercising free speech!

I can't wait to see tens of millions of people descend on DC.  Trust me, I'll be there if I have to spend the last dime I have.

The harder I am pushed, the harder I tend to push back.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Not a thug, not a union employee

To clarify my position for friends, acquaintances and perhaps newfound enemies about my recent chest thumping, drum beating patriotism;

* I am not a union employee.  I don't agree with all aspects of unionized labor.  I don't think people that are abusing the system should be protected.  I also don't think we punish the abusers by assuming everyone is abusing the system and abolishing it.

* I don't think choices in State Government should be made based on influencing the next presidential election, such as our elected officials in Wisconsin are doing under the guise of less federal power and more state power.

* I believe in honoring contracts and allowing people to come to the table to discuss.  In the private sector the recourse for a broken contract is the judicial system.  Those claiming that there is a violation of separation of powers occurring in Wisconsin because a citizen is challenging the behavior of the Wisconsin legislature do not have respect for the Constitution.  The outcome is irrelevant, the right to petition the Government shall not be abridged.

I don't believe that elected OR appointed authorites should reduce or eliminate the RIGHT, not privledge, to discuss and negotiate in good faith.  Regarding good faith and authorities, regarding the Middle East, not only should we [Americans] not be there, the people of those countries shouldn't tolerate dictratorships and autocracy.  This is far, far different than supplying assistance to Japan.  That is a humanitarian effort that was requested by an allied democractic nation.

* I believe our nation is under economic duress caused by multiple factors

  - endless war and meddling, essentially reaching back to 1989.
  - free market broken by bailouts of unregulated "too big to fail" megacorps while main street is left to crumble.  The Federal Government doesn't bail out small business and shouldn't bail out the big ones because of their poor decisions either.
  - the failure of individuals to learn the three R's; Responsiblity, Relationships, Respect, leading to the entitlement generation, and frankly, the behavior of some of our newfound Tea Party heros such as Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin. They have the right to be heard, but civility is not their forte, and unless they are competing to be a shock jock like Howard Stern, should reconsider not their message but their tone.

  an interesting read about entitlement and the education system:

* I believe education is the future of this country and if we fail to educate the next generation we fail as a country.

* I am tired of Government pushing an extremely Conservative social agenda under the guise of 'smaller government' and 'economic crisis' hoping that the people are too dumb or lazy to notice that the morals of Christians are being pushed upon ALL citizens of the United States.  If you want to push Conservative legislation, fine, but why aren't we purusing real economic reform?  Defunding the EPA, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Planned Parenthood, education and outlawing abortions do not come close to fixing the budget.

* I'm tired of a constant louder and louder megaphone being used to shout at the 'enemy' under the guise of 'free speech'.  We need to reform the electoral process to save any faith remaining in our political system.

I could probably go on for a while.  Just because I see a different path than others about how to make sure my child grows up in a great America doesn't make me a lunatic.  In fact, ironically, many of my thoughts line up with the 'Tea Party'.  The difference is, in my 'Real Tea Party', corporate voices aren't the prominent role. 

Here's my "contract for Americans".  The only difference between my contract and the Tea Party's are #2 and #7.

1)    Identify constitutionality of every new law
2)    Protect the finite resources of our environment
3)    Demand a balanced federal budget
4)    Simplify the tax system
5)    Audit federal government agencies for waste and constitutionality
6)    Limit annual growth in federal spending
7)    Repeal the healthcare legislation passed on March 23, 2010 and pass a single payer system
8)    Pass an 'All-of-the-Above' Energy Policy
9)    Reduce Earmarks
10)   Reduce Taxes

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The economic war against America by America

Multinational Corporations are proposing to bring back money they hid offshore on their terms.  The very rich and few want to dictate policy in the US.  Google "2011 us corporate tax holiday".  Google, Microsoft, Pfizer, Apple, Adobe.  They want no conditions on how the money is used, and they want a 5% tax rate.  FIVE.  NOT A TYPO.

Here is a description of one of the tools being used by US corporations to legally avoid paying taxes.

OK, so based on this, Ireland must be swimming in cash, right?  Nope.  Why is that Ireland, despite their 12% corporate tax rate, which is the lowest in the world on the books, has a public debt as bad as the USA with respect to GDP, a ratio that is QUICKLY growing?  Doesn't seem like the 12% rate is good for Ireland.  Note: in the US, the effective corporate tax rate is already below 20% because of this.

Ireland debt graph:

Here is what the treasury has to say.  Basically, last time we did this in 2004, the multinational recipients got most of the benefit [not too many small businesses are overseas] and still cut jobs.  The rich got richer.  Again.

Does any SANE person think that these companies won't leave Ireland [or the US again] if some shell nation enacts a 2.5% effective corporate tax rate?  All of the same arguments apply to our current situation.  "We do what makes sense to the shareholders ...  It would be 'stupid' to not do so."

These above quotes [and more] sourced from a transcript from last Sunday's 60 minutes.

While I'm add it, I'll tick off a list of other things that must be stupid.  Paying living wages.  Providing healthcare.  Protecting the enviornment.  Educating our children.  Eating healthy food.  Drinking clean water. Are these things the "shareholders" don't care about?  I'm a shareholder, and I care about these things.

Want to know what else is stupid?  Thinking a revolution isn't coming.  I think a growing number of people are finally admitting that corporate 'freedom' is economic terrorism. 

Want to get into an argument about how --I'm-- unpatriotic because I'm liberal, or I --must-- be a communist?  American multinational corporations value shareholders more than America.  They say it themselves.  Wake up America, there are almost 2.5 BILLION people in India and China, already slaves and potentially consumers to a wealthy elite.  Corporations no longer need America.

Without global reform and current consumption patterns we are heading towards a race to the bottom, a corporate global oligarchy where that will kill either America or capitalism. 

Really, how do we get out of this mess?  We need to start taking care of ourselves by taking care of our families and communities.

Good luck.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fitzwalkerstan Water LLC: Now with electrolytes!

This is not proposed yet, but let me be the first to say "I told you so" when it happens.

Globally, more than 90% of water and sanitation systems are publicly owned and operated.  The privatization of the water industry is already trillion dollar industry.  Think bottled water.  Prepare to pay more for less to a private monopoly that puts profit over service.  Past and current water privatization proposals have even denied peoples' rights to collect rain water on their property.

Why do I think this could happen?  The ALEC "State Budget Toolkit" promotes privitization of water services [and other things like state parks and roads].

PS: Sorry for the delay. To say I'm running out of steam would be an exaggeration; I just can't keep up at the previous pace.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Don't Already Have the Right to Vote?

The more you pay attention, the more messed up you realize things are in America.

At the Capitol last Saturday, I was talking to a lady that heard a 'rumor' that part of the end game of this latest conservative political movement was to abolish elections.  It's far fetched, but it's not inconceivable.  The U.S. is one of just 11 among 120 or so constitutional democracies that fail to guarantee a right to vote in their constitutions.

The actions of some of the current Republican majority seem to indicate they'd certainly salivate over the idea of, at a minimum, heavily clamping down on who can vote based on ideology.  This is of course ignoring what already happens with 'legal' gerrymandering [both parties guilty of this]

In fact, I'll go further.  I'll buy you a beer* if, by 2012, at least one conservative majority state hasn't tried to severely restrict the right to suffrage based on their expected idelogical outcome. 

PS, I'm not for sure voting for Obama, but I'm not seeing a good reason to trust conservatives either.

Further reading;

* a three way handshake must occur for this offer to be valid.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dunkelweizen is Patriotic

I'm thinking of moving to Germany.  Here are my reasons in order.

1) The Beer
2) The Voter Turnout
3) Not a two party system
4) The Beer 
5) The Pirate Party got more votes than the Republican Party [yes, I know of the "National Democratic Party"...]

Pirate Party Platform:  I'd probably be branded an enemy of the state or a lunatic if I ran on this here.

"The party opposes the dismantlement of civil rights in telephony and on the Internet, in particular the European data retention policies and Germany's new Internet censorship law called Zugangserschwerungsgesetz. It also opposes artificial monopolies and various measures of surveillance of citizens.  The party favors the civil right to information privacy and reforms of copyright, education, computer science and genetic patents.  It promotes in particular an enhanced transparency of government by implementing open source governance and providing for APIs to allow for electronic inspection and control of government operations by the citizen."

I don't think the Pirate Party would stand for this:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Money is NOT speech

A constitutional amendment is required to overturn Citizens United vs F.E.C. 

This isn't just a liberal issue.  There are many in the tea party movement that agree.

The first step is a referendum in your local muncipialties to send a clear signal to Washington that the people of this country need to fund political campaigns.  In Madison, Dane County is having an advisory referendum in April in an effort to overturn Citizens United vs FEC.

Dane County Executive candidate Eileen Bruskewitz sides with the court decision.  In her words, "In this country, speech depends on money, so inhibiting that speech is not a good idea".  Eileen; speech does NOT depend on money, and free speech is NOT only for those who have money.  Maybe you hasn't noticed how easy it is [currently] to speak and organize on the internet.  Is that really what you want people to believe, that people don't have a voice unless they have money, and the voice with money is the right voice?

What's next?  Should we charge $10000 to vote?  How about $10000 for each candidate a person wants to vote for?  Hell with that, how about $10000 per vote, unlimited?
Eileen's position is a shameful position to take.  I almost expect conservatives to tackle free speech on the internet if they remain in majority.  Enjoy reading my blog while free speech remains.

Consider joining to end the abuse of money in politics.  Write your legislators and demand a referendum in your city, county and state.

The people in this country, liberals, conservatives, and everyone in between [and on the fringes] should have an equal opportunity to be involved in the dialogue of how this country is run.  Not just the rich.  We the people made the rich what they are today.  We the people build America.

PS, Abraham Lincoln, as a Republican, once fled debate to evade quorum. 


History of this ruling, in the event that it is news to you.  There is simply too much in money in politics all around.  This is a bipartisian issue.

Thanks to the Citizens United ruling in 2010, nearly $4 Billion was spent on the 2010 midterm elections.  This is more than the GDP of several countries.

It is also less than one-third of the $13.4 billion in profits that investment bank Goldman Sachs saw in 2009

In short, a $4 billion investment is a drop in the bucket compared to how much power and influence you have over the U.S. when in office on either side the political spectrum.

The Citizens United vs FEC ruling opened the gates to the creation of undisclosed donor super PACs, sometimes funded by one or a small number of individuals with names that misled individuals to think that they these groups are representing large groups of individuals.  This money doesn't even need to come from within the U.S, which is a travesty.  Both liberals and conservatives are guilty of this, however, conservatives are -more- guilty.

Friday, March 18, 2011

ALEC State Budget Reform Toolkit

Mega summary:  Enjoy paying a dime each time you back out of your driveway or turn on your tap, because I believe ultimately Walker may push to privatize state parks, water services, and public roads.



"Today, states face structural deficits created by overspending. Most of the legislative “fixes” over the past few years for state budget gaps have merely postponed or obscured the problems rather than addressing them directly.  ALEC's State Budget Reform Toolkit will advance a set of budget and procurement best practices to guide state policymakers as they work to solve the current budget shortfalls, assisting legislators in prioritizing and more efficiently delivering core government services through advancing Jeffersonian principles of free markets, limited government, federalism, and individual liberty."

Remember, this series to meant to expose "What's next" with respect to sweeping Conservative legislation being mirrored throughout US States.


page 5, an outline of this document.

Seems like in Wisconsin we conveniently skipped over 'Tools to Modernize State Budgeting' and 'Tools to Improve Budget Transparency' and skipped right to 'Tools to Control Costs and Improve Government Efficiency'.  I believe bypassing 'Tools to Improve Budget Transparency' was critical in bringing in 100,000 protestors.

page 6;
me> I agree with the nearly all aspects of the introduction, but I think balancing the federal budget, and therefore state budget, while ignoring the negative aspects of globalization is short sighted

page 7; Introduces 'Priority-based budgeting', which they claim means state officials and citizens must first determine the core functions of government. 

me> The problem is that 'citizens' are being left out of the discussion as mandates are laid down!  The budget has already been decided, there will be no critical changes.  "We're Broke" is the most articulate our Governor has been.  That is not leading, that is following a think tank.

page 15: State—Priorities of Government Budgeting Model; example from Washington.

Applied to Wisconsin, it's clear Walker's budget is not prioritized properly.

* Improve student achievement in elementary, middle, and high schools.
> We hear about revenue cuts and 'tools' needed to deal with it [layoffs and reduction of benefits], but how will this improve student achievement?

* Improve the value of postsecondary learning.
> How does cutting money and making the school less accessible improve 'value'?

* Improve the health of [state] citizens.
> We hear about cuts to Medicaid and loosening of enviornmental regulations.  Walker's budget proposal also includes rolling back funding support for the Wisconsin local food movement.  How does this improve the health of Wisconsin citizens?

* Improve the security of [the state's] vulnerable children and adults.
> How does cutting funding to badgercare produce this?  In Michigan's case, how does removing a tax credit on pensions do this?

* Improve the quality of [the states] natural resources.
> How does eliminating clean water and recycling programs do this?  How does providing tax incentives for wetland development promote this?

page 18> How can one promote an item reduction veto policy yet promote budget transparency??  In Wisconsin the Governor can veto individual letters or numbers in legislation to make a new law.  The Frankstein vote is terrible and needs to removed ASAP, not congratulated.  Again, -shame- on Doyle for not getting rid of this monster.

page 21b> To help facilitate public involvement, legislators should adopt a 72-hour timeout period once a tax or spending bill is introduced or amended, and before hearings or legislative votes occur.

me> Yet in states across our nation including Wisconsin and Utah, Conservative majorites either have attempted or have succesfully rammed through legislation is less than 24 hours!

page 23> beginning of the cost control options.  Let's see what has been enacted and what things are left out.

1) Freeze state hiring: done
2) Reform state pensions: proposed/in progress

I believe there is an entire document on this that I will look at later.  Remember; the ETF is well funded.

  *capping off the existing pension system and forming a defined-contribution system for all new employees.

  - pension will likely be turned into a voluntary 401k

  * State policymakers can also consider capping off pension ballooning in state employees’ final years of service.
  me> Yes, I agree this one should be done

3) Restructure State Retiree Health Care Plans; I looked at that here:

4) Eliminate Positions Vacant More Than Six Months: not yet proposed as far as I know, maybe it is
5) Delay Automatic Pay Increases [Done: linked to a -maximum- of inflation, in fact, one could argue that the legislation mandates our pay to go down when adjusted to inflation from this point moving forward]

skipped a few here

6) Embrace the Expanded Use of Privatization and Competitive Contracting.  Oh boy, just wait until you see how 250,000 private sector jobs are created by destroying public sector ones.  A race to see who can offer their employees the least pay to reach the lowest bid contacts, hurrah!  Here are a list of things recommended for privitization

* Highway design and maintenance. [appalling, physical mobility is still -the- basis to our economy]
* Building repair and maintenance.
* Vehicle fleet operations, maintenance, and ownership.
* Information technology [ usually fails hard, I work in this industry]
* Administrative support services (e.g., HR, payroll,accounting, mail, printing, etc.).
* Risk management (e.g., claims processing, loss prevention services).
* Facilities financing, operations, and maintenance.
* Park operations and maintenance. [good god]

# this one is in progress
* Corrections and mental health (facility operations and management; health care, medical and food services).

# I joked about this, but the privitization of any of the below services is a kick to the face for a society
* Core infrastructure (roads/transit, water, etc.).

* Engineering services.
* Welfare-to-work programs.

# in progress
* Child care, child welfare, and adoption programs.

# in progress
* Juvenile rehabilitation.

# And lately, because getting the answer you want to hear is always better than the answer you should hear.
* Environmental lab analysis.

7) Establish a State Privatization and Efficiency Council
> in progress/done, given the privitazation of the department of commerce.  Expect the newly formed agency to reward privatization contracts on major municipal services to carry out the above list.

Expect multi million dollar taxpayer grants to privitize delivery of our water.  Do you expect impartial water quality reports on contaminents from a private lab analysis company from a private water service company who, by definition of unregulated capitalism, puts quarterly profit above all else?

8) Create a Statewide Real Property Inventory and Search the Balance Sheet for Asset Sale and Lease Opportunities
me> in progress [power plants, etc]

So, the big kicker I see coming next is wait until you see what Walker attempts to privatize.  The list will likely include

1) Our State Parks
2) Our water services
3) Our public roads

I'm sorry, but that's just way too far.  I can't wait to vacation to "Devil's Lake State Park, a divison of Koch Industries", pay a $15 highway fee to get there, another fee to walk on the bluffs and pay $2/pint for water to drink while there.

More on water services in my next post.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Primary education is NOT a business

There is ample evidence that Walker is putting in place plans for privatization of public education well beyond what is in the budget proposal or what he is caring to admit publicly yet.

The budget proposal covers semi-privatization of UW-Madison [and possibly UW-Milwaukee in the future].  The budget proposal plans to remove Charter school caps in MPS, which is likely to have a negative impact on MPS.

Also note that the budget proposal states that a teacher at a charter school doesn't have to be a teacher certified via DPI, just someone with a bachelors degree.  While this may not be cataclysmic, it isn't necessarily great, either, as we should demand some sort of uniformity in our teachers capabilities, much like we test our children with standardized tests.

Have a look yourself at the following proposed legislation:

Senate Bill 20 allows parts of MPS to be sold for property tax relief

However, Senate Bill 22 goes further.

Senate Bill 22 includes unlimited Charter school creation, virtual and/or physical with no caps on attendance.  When the budget proposal came out I privately suggested to my wife that this would likely reform public education into virtual private schools at a rapid pace.  Horrifically, I may have been right.

Combined with Senate Bill 34, which recinds residency requirements for MPS

It starts to become clear that Walker intends to create some of those 250,000 private sector jobs by eliminating part of public education in the state. 

While the residency requirements may be benign, it opens up the possibility that your child's next teacher might not even live in the U.S.  Think of all of the money we can save by offshoring education!  God bless them, but if you've ever had to talk to off-shore tech support, let's just say there can be, at times, multiple barriers to effective communication.

Throughout all of this, what benchmarks are being done to ensure that the quality of the education system increases, not decreases?  Oh that's right, none, because it's all about the money when you run the state like a business.  It's all about savings.  It's all about "creating an environment where the private sector can create 250,000 [sh***y] jobs".  Note: I threw in that part in brackets.

Educating the next generation of Americans is NOT A BUSINESS.

Pass the word.  Here are the legislators that introduced the bill.  And if you care about the future of Wisconsin and our country, please consider getting involved in the recall processes so we can restore compromise and sanity back into Government.

February 23, 2011 - Introduced by Senators DARLING,  OLSEN,  LAZICH,  VUKMIR,
KAPANKE and GALLOWAY, cosponsored by Representatives VOS,  KESTELL,
KNODL and MURSAU. Referred to Committee on Education.

/////////////////////////// ! BONUS ! ////////////////////////////////////////

Also today, as promised, the 8% [or more] cuts the teachers are facing are just the beginning.  Today, Walker urges that "districts and locals can go above and beyond the health care and pension contributions now required of public employees to save money thanks to changes in collective bargaining." to maximize savings.

In 2010, the average starting teacher made $34,000 and spent 3% pension on pension and 6% healthcare.  Assuming a 'single' healthcare plan, their takehome pay in 2010 was reduced $500 to $33,500.  In 2011, under the legislation passed in Senate Bill 11 [50% pension, 12% healthcare] takehome pay is reduced to $31000, a 7.5% pay cut.  If the starting teacher needed a family healthcare plan, the takehome pay would be $29500.  I am using the cheapest healthcare plan available in these calculations.

Remember, this is average starting pay, not minimum.  That works out to be ~$15/hr for a job that requires schooling BEYOND A BACHELORS degree and is directly responsible for preparing the next generation of Americans to be competitive in the private sector.

In 2000 I entered the professional computer field at a starting pay of $43k.  I would rank the importance of teachers higher than my job, and ten years later, they make $10k less, not even adjusted for inflation?  How do we expect to draw any interest to the noble profession of education like this?  What sort of America do we expect to have in 2030?

In summary, in addition to some austerity, can we just tax the rich modestly already so that we don't have to make cuts as draconian as these?

Shoulda took the $$$ and ran like Steve Miller [An ode to deferred compensation]

A brief look at "Other Post Employee Benefit Plans: A Case for Shifting to the Defined Contribution Approach", or, what's going to become of the sick leave conversion program

Article summary: "The solution to the funding crises in state pension plans will require fundamental reform. Everything should be on the table, including changes in benefits and increased employee contribution rates, as well as employer contribution rates. These plans should consider replacing their defined benefit plans with defined-contribution plans for new employees."

A ~30 page discussion, which is more informative than the 1 second sound clip of "We're broke" on repeat.



  - Page 7 is interesting.  They focus on a $5/hr difference in benefits while they show a wage difference of $6/hr, using simple percentages instead to divert attention.  Could it be because the higher wages are justified as perhaps the jobs you are comparing are not apples to apples?  Seems to me that if you wanted to rag about cost, you'd rag about the $6/hr wage difference, not the $5/hr benefits difference.

  - Read the right hand column on page 15.  I've copy and pasted it here for your perusal.

The Decrease in Private Sector Retiree Health Benefits

Not surprisingly, private sector companies began
to reform their retiree health benefits to reduce
or eliminate these costs. From 1997 to 2008, the
share of workers in the private sector who were offered
health benefits in early retirement fell from 31
percent to 22 percent. Over this same time period,
the share of workers eligible for Medicare in the private
sector who were offered health benefits in retirement
decreased from 28 percent to 17 percent
(Fronstin, 2010).

This trend away from retiree health benefits was even
greater in large private firms with more than 500 employees.
The share of these firms offering health benefits
to early retirees decreased from 46 percent to
28 percent while the retiree health benefits to Medicare
eligible retirees in these firms decreased from
40 percent to 21 percent (Fronstin, 2010).
By 2006, more than half of large private sector employers
had closed their subsidized retiree health
benefits to new employees. Many firms continued
to offer retiree health plans, but required employees
to pay the full cost of the health insurance. These
are referred to as “access only” plans. In 2009, 46
percent of private sector employers offered “access
only” plans to early retirees and 41 percent offered
these plans to Medicare-eligible retirees. Many retirees
continue to enroll in these “access only” plans because the group-based premium for health insurance
is lower than that available in the non-group
market (Fronstin, 2010).

While it may be a reality it is not a triumph.  Corporations are forgoing healthcare at an alarming rate because they found they can dump folks on Medicare.  No wonder the costs of Medicare are skyrocketing?  Of course, the tea party also has an axe of grind with Medicare costs, with a $500M cut in Wisconsin alone, and refuse healthcare reform that could lower costs.  This is a 'have cake and eat it too' moment. 


  - The bottom left hand column on page 17 argues that bailing out pension and health plans is bad.  Fine, but if we are unwilling to socialize this risk, why should I as a taxpayer be willing to socialize the risk of a corporation?  Why are the states not 'too big to fail', yet the banks are?  Mixed message much?  I agree that California is in one hell of a world of hurt, but I'm not sure Wisconsin is California.


  - From page 27:

Legislators have an incentive to offer generous retiree health insurance plans as an alternative to higher wages and salaries. The latter must be paid for out of current budgets while the cost of retiree health insurance is deferred to the future. If unfunded liabilities accumulate in these plans, those costs will also be incurred by future generations. Another moral hazard is introduced if state legislators anticipate that the federal government will bail them out when they cannot pay for the generous pension and health benefits they have promised to retirees. In short, all the incentives are wrong in defined-benefit retiree health plans. Rather than address the problem of growing unfunded liabilities in OPEB plans, the incentive is to defer the problem to future generations.

I started thinking to myself at this point; you know, they're right.  Shame on us public workers for accepting deferred compensation.  Boy were we idiots.  We should have demanded the $$$ up front.

And finally, another shoutout to a Tier 1.5 friend

   - Page 2: Thanks, University of Kansas School of Business!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The only conservative I admire is Alex P Keaton

Shout goes out to a tier 1.5 friend who pointed out the following URL;

The above blog proposes that an organization called ALEC is responsible for the wash of legislation across the Red states in the country.  I suspect there are multiple sources for legislation, yet finding even a single one is a GREAT find, as it at least foreshadows what is coming, and gives us a chance to have some intelligent discussion on these issues compared to just swallowing terribly constructed lines from our elected officials who, I am convinced more everyday don't understand what they are doing and are just regurtigating think-tank suggestions.

Whether you fundamentally agree on the solutions proposed, the ALEC webpage lists several publications on various issues with publications that are well thought out from a conservative point of view.

It's obvious that ALEC is proud of their card carrying member Mr Scott Walker

While I've gotten through barely any of this content, amazingly, at a quick glance, the budget repair bill and the budget proposal have obviously taken cues from these titles.

# The State Factor
# The State Legislators Guide to Repealing ObamaCare
# EPA's Regulatory Train Wreck
# Report Card on American Education
# Rich States, Poor States
# School Choice and State Constitutions
# Disorder in the Court
# 10 Questions State Legislators Should Ask About Higher Education
# 2010 State Legislators Guide to Prescription Drug Policy
# State Pension Funds Fall Off a Cliff
# State Budget Reform Toolkit
# Other Post Employee Benefit Plans: A Case for Shifting to the Defined Contribution Approach

I'm going to do a 'shallow' dive into each publication as seperate blog entries over the next few days with respect to how they apply to current events in Wisconsin.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Who's next?

A short blog about the protests and what it means to China, but it leaves a lot to think about.

But my favorite quote is:
"Several million unemployed college graduates are far more dangerous to a modernizing regime than hundreds of millions of poor peasants."

Another quote:
"... social consciousness is swiftly evolving through a myriad of text messages, shared videos or simple conversations."

I had planned to write a whole blog regarding the idea directly above, but this pretty much summarizes it nicely.  Social consciousness is demanding transparency in local Governments and therefore the global community.

Conspiracy theory time;  many conservatives in office are urging for large cuts in education.  Unless you are living under a rock you see world power shifting out of the US towards, mainly, China.  Do conservatives think that by not educating  people they will keep power over the people in this country?  Are conservatives selling off public assets because they equate socialism with communism?  Are we seeing the conservatives last stand against the socialization of humanity on a global scale?

A month ago I would have certainly said that one megaphone with one voice shouting louder than the masses would prevail.  I'm not so sure anymore, I think we are seeing the early stages of a global awakening.  I fear the geeks might have the largest fight of all coming; I forsee an attempted global clampdown on communications and social networking coming.  Have mercy on the first party to openly shred the first amendment in the US by attempting to do so [freedom of speech, right to petition the Government].  I know we have had some struggles lately in Madison, but we're not -quite- there yet.

"... If the country's current property bubble bursts and tens of millions of people are thrown out of work, the government's legitimacy, which rests on its management of the economy, would be seriously undermined."

Personal note; I do not condone communism, and personally think communism will be ultimate undoing of China as their people become more educated.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

MH goes to Washington

I sent the below message to our Washington Representatives.  You have to fill out a form, they do not publish email addresses.  I note that Tammy Baldwin had campaign finance reform as a drop down on the 'topics' list.  Ron Johnson didn't, he did have 'Government Reform'.  Herb Kohl, the seventh richest member of Congress with an estimated net worth of $200 million+ dollars, had neither as a topic of concern.


[To: Ron Johnson, Herb Kohl, and Tammy Baldwin].

I have joined the legion of citizens in the United States that feel our elected officials are more interested in entrenching their own power than moving the country forward, as do many of my fellow Wisconsinites.

American's faith in Congress is at an all time low.  According to recent polls the U.S has a 13% approval rating on what is happening in Congress. 13%!

In the last decade I have seen unfunded wars, corporate bailouts costing a trillion dollars.  I am watching our elected officials suggest that defunding education in a knowledge based economy as prudent.  I have watched 50 years of labor piece being destroyed in 25 days [in what was supposed to be a few days per Walker's administrations unprecedented mandate], and I have seen the head of the Wisconsin Senate say publicly on Fox News Wisconsin's union busting will make it more difficult to get Obama elected in 2012. 

A lack of bipartisianship and a lack of willingness to confront our actual problems is destroying the competitive edge that the United States used to have in the world.  The citizens of the United States do not elect our leaders of this country to fight like children for domination.  We elect you to move this country forward, not backwards.

In the last three weeks, I have seen one thing in common in Wisconsin.  Democratic and Republican fundraising letters begging for grassroots supporters and funds to fight 'big money coming from Washington'.

May I assume, Senators and Representatives, that you are working on a bipartisian solution to end the problem of 'big money coming from Washington' in political campaigns?

Thank you for your consideration.

Friday, March 11, 2011

S**T on your neighbor

Here is what is not going to work.  Let's put all of our eggs in the 'attract business' basket at all costs.  Lets cut education, let's cut healthcare, let's cut all the social services and tax everyone in the lower income brackets more.  Also, lets sell off all public assets, because inserting a middleman is sure to save money.

[Current events in Michigan]

Consider this; if there was enough work to go around we wouldn't have this problem.  Technology is improving.  What is there simply will never be enough jobs to go around ever again?  What if there are not enough jobs for the number of people on the planet to coexist with the greedy underpinnings of capitalism?  Will we let people starve?  Die?  There has to be a social aspect of American capitalism unless we are all willing to compete with the most opprossed workers on the planet.

Where are we [Wisconsin] attracing jobs from?  Does Walker think that Megacorps are going to abandon their low wage oversea factories and come back to Wisconsin over a few measly million dollars?  No.  Walker puts on a dog and pony show about stealing jobs from Illinois, mocking Democrats that are trying to increase revenue through taxation.  "WISCONSIN IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS".  As if Illinois, another state in our nation, was some sort of enemy that damaging is OK.  Illinois, some sort of combatant that we must outdo.  This isn't football folks.  This isn't Packers vs Bears.  Christ people, this is the -UNITED- States of America.  Is it your best plan to lay hurt to another STATE IN OUR NATION?

The only conclusion I can draw is that this attitude, this mindsight, implies that you are putting the power of your own political party ABOVE THE INTERESTS OF THE NATION.  Fitzgerald so as much said this on FOX.  This is the same man that has decided the laws in the WI constitution need not apply to his majority party.

WHY would someone do that?

We aren't creating jobs this way.  At best we are hoping to move them around the states in a race to the bottom.  Pensions, healthcare, education.  These are all things America does not need if you believe the Republican agenda.

In the meantime, high labor jobs continue to be exported offshore, and the only reasonable solution is to out innovate the rest of the world.  We need to stay ahead if we want to have a standard of living that is higher than a third world country. 

We can't out innovate by slashing education.

The Republicans are pushing a vicious cycle to the bottom.

S**T on your neighbor will bankrupt America and reward those who can transfer wealth out of the U.S.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Scott Walker, God called. He said "Go to Hell".

I'd love to see the math that says cutting compensation 10%+ will create jobs.  Really.  I'd love to see how slashing education and driving talent out of the state will create jobs.  Scott, are you a broken record?  Your inability to articulate even the slighest concept of how this helps "the private sector create 250,000 new jobs" is astounding.  Really, astounding.
Reducing takehome pay by 10% is not "modest" for all of our teachers.  You will make the next generation of great teachers have to choose between teaching and having enough money to live.  Per your words, I guess they'll have to go 'into the private sector [and make] real money', since they are not "one of you".

Koch Call transcript.  Governor's own words were:

"Well, actually, in his case I wouldn’t call him and I’ll tell you why: He’s pretty reasonable but he’s not one of us, um, so I would let him be. I think he is in a position where he can maybe motivate that caucus, but he’s not a, he’s not an ally, he’s just a, he’s just a guy. He was in the Senate years ago. He was actually the Senate (word missing) here back in the ’80s and Tommy Thompson hired him to be the head of Health and Human Services. He went into the private sector, made real money and, uh, became a little more more open-minded."


Shame on your for your regressive taxes on public educators!  Teachers who are responsible for educating the next generation of Americans have not fiscally bankrupted Wisconsin or the US.  DID EVERYONE FORGET THE TRILLION DOLLAR BAILOUTS AND THE TRILLION DOLLAR WARS?!?!?!?!? 

But I guess you've "dropped the bomb" on the people now, didn't you?  Aren't you so proud of yourself?

Koch Call transcript.

Governor's own words were:
"Came home from the Super Bowl where the Packers won, and that Monday night I had all of my cabinet over to the residence for dinner. Talked about what we were gonna do, how we were gonna do it. We’d already kinda built plans up, but it was kind of the last hurrah before we dropped the bomb. And I stood up and I pulled out a picture of Ronald Reagan, and I said, you know, this may seem a little melodramatic, but 30 years ago, Ronald Reagan, whose 100th birthday we just celebrated the day before, had one of the most defining moments of his political career, not just his presidency, when he fired the air-traffic controllers."


How could we have allowed our democracy to be whored out to the highest bidder?  How can the people of the United States not be outraged that CEOs can all but buy votes with their dollars with unlimited PAC contributions, with the Citizens United vs F.E.C 2010 Supreme Court ruling?  Do the below words sound like someone who is interested in balancing a budget to you?

Koch Call transcript.

Governor's own words were:
Murphy: [Laughs] Well, I tell you what, Scott: once you crush these bastards I’ll fly you out to Cali and really show you a good time.

Walker: All right, that would be outstanding.
Thanks, thanks for all the support and helping us move the cause forward, and we appreciate it. We’re, uh, we’re doing the just and right thing for the right reasons, and it’s all about getting our freedoms back.


Closer to home, 50 years of labor peace in Wisconsin shred thanks to one man and 18 Senate Republicans on tow.  And speaking of peace, how about thinking of endangering public safety and backing down out of fear of not getting your ideological wishes?

Koch Call transcript.

Governor's own words were:

Murphy: Right, right. Well, we’ll back you any way we can. But, uh, what we were thinking about the crowds was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.

Walker: You know, the, well, the only problem with that — because we thought about that. The problem — the, my only gut reaction to that is right now the lawmakers I’ve talked to have just completely had it with them, the public is not really fond of this. The teachers union did some polling of focus groups, I think, and found out that the public turned on ’em the minute they closed school down for a couple days. The guys we’ve got left are largely from out of state, and I keep dismissing it in all my press conferences saying, ‘Eh, they’re mostly from out of state.’ My only fear would be is if there was a ruckus caused is that that would scare the public into thinking maybe the governor has gotta settle to avoid all these problems.


Republicans, I think you will find out that trying to oppress voices of the masses will be a very bad move.  You should have backed away when your "King" made an ass of himself and democracy during the Koch call.

A clear public majority strong opposed stripping collective bargaining.

The Wisconsin Assembly convenes at 11am.  While this bill -will- pass tomorrow, may the people of Wisconsin flood the streets of Madison tomorrow to have their voices heard.

I sometimes question whether Government will ever function again as intended by our founders.  There is so much vitrol in legislative bodies across America that I see no way to meet common ground.  I am so tired of all of the name calling, the lies, the posturing.

Thank you, Dale Schultz, for not being an extremist, and for going down in history as voting NO.

How could one defend this man after hearing the Koch call?

Goodnight Wisconsin.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

An attempted minority takeover from an undisclosed location in Illinois?

Two blogs, one day.  Yes, its true.  This one is likely to get me in trouble with non independents.


Before I get started; I still think Walker and the Repubs have handled this whole thing terribly, and I still have very little trust in their respect of the political process.

That said, I think it's time for the Fab 14 to come home while both they and the public opinion are in unison.

I'm not convinced the Fab 14 alternative budget repair bill was a great idea.  Scott Walker got into office on 52%/46% majority.  He viewed this as a mandate to do whatever the heck he wanted.  It didn't work well for him.  Public polls shows 57% oppose restricting collective barganing and 37% agree with the Governor's proposal.

The world isn't black and white.  Walker did -not- campaign on collective bargaining restrictions, yet the Democratic minority -must not- confuse public opinion with a mandate that the democratic minority should get to call the shots in the legislature.  We just don't know if the public is for or against the whole bill, so I think the assumption they are was rather rash and possibly unwise.

I'm an independent that has voted non Republican 100% of the time, and that's unlikely to change.  We are [for now] a democratically elected republic.  As a protestor that has been at the Capitol seven or so times myself, I still fully support the Dem Senators 100% for providing a filibuster, allowing a chance for discourse on the bill.  But it is time to come home united, let the bill pass (hopefully amended to be less evil), and let the voters decide what they want via recall and normal elections.

Walker has released emails that show some level of negotiations have been occurring.  This negotiation process should be occuring in public view at the Capitol.  The Democrat Senators, taking a queue from how this went down in Assembly, had full reason to believe that no compromise or debate would have occurred had they not fled.  That might also happen if they come back.  Heck, it's possible they would be arrested.  But if so, I think it'll further shame what Walker's Administration has done.  This Administration seems to have no problem digging themselves a deeper and deeper hole.  The world is already watching, it's time to act now, and not to make this a media game.

I am not a union member.  I am a UW employee.  In a knowledge based economy, education is our ONLY future, and it will require great teachers.  I am terribly concerned about what the budget repair bill and the budget proposal will do to education in the state.  We need to fix America and while it might start at the local level with personal responsibility, it can really only be fixed at a national level.

Our Democratic representatives have done an -enormous- amount to forward these issues to a state -and- national level.  I can't thank them enough.  But please, Fab 14, come home in Solidarity, while we're still "winning".

I'm not the enemy. I am part of the problem, and part of the solution.

Without a doubt, the U.S. in 2014 will look very different than the U.S. in 2011.  Exactly how it looks will be decided by the whether or not the people of this country want a say  Unless you believe our entire country is better off being privatized, you better start paying attention.

Parts of our country are being held hostage by a minority of freshmen Republicans who see compromise as capitulation to the enemy instead of embracing the desires and goals of 300,000,000 Americans working together to achieve a common goal. 

These new breed of idealists are not interested in intelligent debate.  Some are extremely uncouth.  Some seem so idelogical that they don't seem to really care or understand that educational cuts will destroy America.  Education is our last stand to succeed in a knowledge based economy.  We need this more than ever given our manufaturing base economy has been exported in the last 30 years, which for those counting, included 20 years with a Republican president and 8 years with a Democrat president.  None of them were interested in stopping the train wreck.

After the essentially criminal behavior that occurred in our finacial markets in 2008~2009, Americans have a lot to be upset about.  But if an idealogue gets into the White House in 2012 with their no holds barred "I'm not listening to you" attitude, God help us all.  They view the privitzation of everything as the solution.  Government is not a business.  The Constitution wasn't written during a time of global mega conglomerates.  Something has to change. 

With that, some commentary from CNN, followed by a selection of other interesting things happening in the U.S.

CNN from Feb 24th:


Michigan: Republicans are threatening a takeover of the entire state.  Their budget deficit is approximately $1.6B a year, less than Wisconsins.

"The legislation in the Republican-controlled Senate would give emergency financial managers authority to dissolve local governments and school boards, assume management control and even order millage elections."


Minnesota's Michelle Bachmann is not a voice I want representing America.

Her views on global warming are entertaining.

She stated that because life requires CO2 and it is part of the planet's life cycle, it cannot be harmful.  Based on her argument, water and oxygen also can't be harmful.  Oxygen is extremely combustible.  Have you heard of water intoxication?


Montana has a few gems.

"They are also protesting against bills by State Representative Joe Read, a Republican, to declare global warming "natural" and "beneficial," and to prevent the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases."

me> I guess Joe Read hasn't put it together that global warming means the entire coastline, tens of millions of people, are projected to be underwater [literally] by 2100.  He who dies with the most dollars still dies, Joe.

"A bill introduced by Representative Dan Kennedy, a Laurel Republican, would amend the Montana State Constitution to add the words "and economically productive" following "clean and healthful."

me> Repeat after me; central government is a socialist entity.  It is not a buisness.  You might as well disband government if you are going to put profits before all else.  Government is here to keep society going.


New York has determined that only Islam is the enemy, but the real enemy to U.S. and the planet is radicalization and extremism from any source.


The New Hampshire Republican majority thinks that college students shouldn't be allowed to vote because they vote liberal.  Seriously, disenfranchasing Liberal -and- Conservative  voters in the 18-24 age group?  Shame on you for expecting the younger generation to accept a dystopian future where their voice isn't valued.  This fits in well with what is happening in Utah.


Ohio, which is doing union busting just like in Wisconsin, decided to rig the vote once it became clear that it wasn't going to pass.

Apparently, Sen. Tom Niehaus, with his bill and union-busting desires in danger of failing, chose to decide the will of the legislative body by removing two members of his caucus, to ensure the bill would pass.  The bill did, in fact, pass by a slim margin of 17-16, with six other Republicans voting against it. The bill now moves on to the House where Republicans hold a much larger majority.


Utah, among other grand things, is trying to do away with open records laws.  My assumption here is the belief that open record laws don't exist for private buisnesses, and since their idea of Government is a Republican coutrolled plutocracy, Government doesn't need it either.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Michael Hare, 2011:

"I think Scott Walker is going down a slippery slope.  If he's going to do this now for those who make $70,000 a year, when's he going to decide that $50,000 is too much, you know?  I mean, you're on a slippery slope here.  You vote on somebody who decides that $70,000 makes you're rich?  And $50,000 and you're rich?  I mean, where does it end?  you know, that's - people got to ask that question."

Americans for Prosperity [Koch Brothers] are busing Ohio native Joe around Wisconsin as an outside agitator to garner support for Scott Walker.  Scott Walker wants public sector workers to take a 10% pay cut.  The average public sector worker makes $70k/yr with benefits.

In 2008, Joe stumped for McCain and made the following comments


COURIC: Well, he supposedly will raise taxes only on people who make over $250,000 a year. Would you be in that category?

WURZELBACHER: Not right now at presently, but, you know, question, so he's going to do that now for people who make $250,000 a year. When's he going to decide that $100,000 is too much, you know? I mean, you're on a slippery slope here. You vote on somebody who decides that $250,000 and you're rich? And $100,000 and you're rich? I mean, where does it end? You know, that's - people got to ask that question.

In 2011, here is what he has to say about Wisconsin

The speakers at the event both mock the anti-Walker crowd and patronize them. Wurzelbacher talks about what he saw as an attitude of entitlement among union workers: “’I deserve this, I deserve that. I deserve the money in your pocket, sir.’ Whatever happened to the word ‘earn’?”


Yes Joe, it's a good idea to question authority.  But these 'rich' public workers are teachers, police officers, fire fighters, and hundreds of thousands of other people that you deride in our country SERVE our country.  These are not people that are trying their damnedest to export wealth OUT of our country.

Look, I don't sit around deriding private workers, who consciously take a riskier job for greater reward opportunities.  Joe, I think that's great.  But if public workers have no security, poor benefits, and walk around with a target on their back, what quality of public workers, teachers and police officers, do you think we'll have?

Joe, I 'earn' my money.  It's not like the Wisconsin taxpayers pay me to sit at home.

Read more about Joe here.

and some controversy surrounding Joe in the same article.


After posting, I added the following comments else

Do yourself a favor and watch this, Joe's talk yesterday. While I don't fully agree with what he says, what he says is in a civil tone, I will credit him with that.

At about 2:30 in the presentation, the group of ~600 supporters meeting inside kicked out an anti-walker protestor. Someone yells "We don't come to your rally, leave us alone". That, my friends, is an idiot at work. They do come to our rallies. Very few of them, but they are there. Note how the Tea Party crowd tries to squash dissension. I haven't witnessed this at the Anti-Walker rally.  What is the Tea Party to afraid of?