Sunday, April 17, 2011

Andrew Breitbart is perhaps the most eloquent community uniter in the history of the United States.

Have a look at the video:

The #1 comment on this video at time of post:
"Fuck the liberals! Death to unions!"

Look, if you share ideology similar to the Tea Party, I disagree, but don't have a problem with you expressing your views.  I just hope you are able to articulate a lot better than this guy, because it's amazing how low we have sunk in being able to make intelligent debate. 

I may not have figured out how nasty of an end game you are trying to get to, but I can see through all of this bull$hit.  I know this goes well beyond the anti abortion, union busting, voter restricting, robin hood in reverse taxation, whip a bunch of fringe groups into a lather and then bust out the elected official/town dissolving path you've went down so far.  And this is the first 4 months!  Good grief.

Did he -really- make the argument that we are witnessing the death of community organizing?  What, are you and your followers really that ignorant about what's happening in the world?  Whether you like the outcome or not, have you NOT seen what the internet has done for community organizing halfway around the globe in the first part of 2011?

Did you miss the memo that Gadaffi SHUT DOWN TELECOMMUNICATIONS to try to stay in rule?

Oh wait, of course you have.  The Tea Party was started by billionaires in 2009 after you saw how the internet has whooped Republican a$$ in community organization in getting Obama into the office.  McCain lost by almost 10 MILLION votes.

The death of community organizing will happen when you have KILLED all of those who oppose you, just like Gadaffi is trying to exterminate those who oppose him.  Let me guess; when we get a Tea Party president, maybe we'll HELP Gadaffi so that he can help end community organizing?  Is that maybe what the Tea Party president will do?  Bypass our democratically elected republic and to bypass the constitutional amendment process and make dissention speech illegal?

The internet can bring together anyone with like opinions, no matter how much of a minority they represent.  Deal with it, or come out and say that you oppose free speech.

Rest assured if that happens, your group will eventually faction and rise up against you, Tea Party.  Hell Andrew, you might personally even be the voice of the dissension.

But lets go down this path for awhile.  So if what we are witnessing is the death of community organizing, are you really just admitting to the fact that the "Tea Party" is a concocted group and not organized by the community?  Well then WHO is organizing the Tea Party?  Oh, that's right, the tea party represents the "SILENT MAJORITY".

Here we go with this SILENT MAJORITY bull$hit again.

The SILENT majority wants a war in vietnam.  LOL!  How did history treat you on that one, War and Nixon lovers?  Did you even bother to notice that the Silent Majority in that case were LABOR UNIONISTS claiming support for the war?

I recommend reading the entire article below.  It puts current events into perspective.

So given legislation we have seen so far, what else does the SILENT MAJORITY want? 

Abortion outlawed under any circumstances, including RAPE and INCEST.  WRONG.  See the Gallup polls.  You're just abusing how the definition of pro-choice and pro-life have changed.  People still feel the same way.

The SILENT MAJORITY wants a major change in socialized healthcare of all kinds [Medicare, Medicaid].  NOPE.  Scroll down to "Don't Mess With Medicare"

Well clearly the The SILENT MAJORITY wants to $hitcan social security, education, welfare?  NOPE.

It's pretty obvious that when you resort to "Silent majority" and to lie about majorities to push an agenda you don't have a leg to stand on, and you're resorted to voodoo mind control to try to get your way.

I'm sure that these Tea Partiers, 30 years from now, after a career of one after another low wage jobs with no benefits thanks to their efforts, then they are faced with either the choice of dying on the streets are having their COMMUNITY TAKE CARE OF THEM, will be up in arms with pitchforks over what has happened.

It's called CIVILIZATION folks.  Mankind is our business, but we lost our way under the guise of capitalistic freedom if we let the dollar overrun our morals.

-IF- there is a silent majority, they DO NOT MATTER.  In our country you VOTE for a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED REPUBLIC.  In a democratically elected republic America if you do not vote you have NO OFFICIAL VOICE.  In our democratically elected republic you do not override the will of the people.

Quit treating OUR democratically elected republic as a farce.  If you approve of destroying our Government then come out and vote for it. Otherwise you are a -coward-, not a patriot, for not voting in what you believe.

Republican #1 tactic.  Accuse the other guy of doing EXACTLY what you are doing.  I'm the enemy because I disagree with your bull$hit.   OK. That makes sense, because you keep hiding behind the SILENT MAJORITY.

The RICH and POWERFUL who use this excuse to turn America into a 2nd or 3rd world dictatorship should make ALL Americans sick.

And finally.  It's call free speech Andrew Breitbart.  It's not cool to call our Gov a Koch Sucker but you can tell me to go to hell?  YOU go to hell yourself.  How's that for division?

Fall of the Roman Empire:  I think our decline was much faster

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