Sunday, March 20, 2011

Money is NOT speech

A constitutional amendment is required to overturn Citizens United vs F.E.C. 

This isn't just a liberal issue.  There are many in the tea party movement that agree.

The first step is a referendum in your local muncipialties to send a clear signal to Washington that the people of this country need to fund political campaigns.  In Madison, Dane County is having an advisory referendum in April in an effort to overturn Citizens United vs FEC.

Dane County Executive candidate Eileen Bruskewitz sides with the court decision.  In her words, "In this country, speech depends on money, so inhibiting that speech is not a good idea".  Eileen; speech does NOT depend on money, and free speech is NOT only for those who have money.  Maybe you hasn't noticed how easy it is [currently] to speak and organize on the internet.  Is that really what you want people to believe, that people don't have a voice unless they have money, and the voice with money is the right voice?

What's next?  Should we charge $10000 to vote?  How about $10000 for each candidate a person wants to vote for?  Hell with that, how about $10000 per vote, unlimited?
Eileen's position is a shameful position to take.  I almost expect conservatives to tackle free speech on the internet if they remain in majority.  Enjoy reading my blog while free speech remains.

Consider joining to end the abuse of money in politics.  Write your legislators and demand a referendum in your city, county and state.

The people in this country, liberals, conservatives, and everyone in between [and on the fringes] should have an equal opportunity to be involved in the dialogue of how this country is run.  Not just the rich.  We the people made the rich what they are today.  We the people build America.

PS, Abraham Lincoln, as a Republican, once fled debate to evade quorum. 


History of this ruling, in the event that it is news to you.  There is simply too much in money in politics all around.  This is a bipartisian issue.

Thanks to the Citizens United ruling in 2010, nearly $4 Billion was spent on the 2010 midterm elections.  This is more than the GDP of several countries.

It is also less than one-third of the $13.4 billion in profits that investment bank Goldman Sachs saw in 2009

In short, a $4 billion investment is a drop in the bucket compared to how much power and influence you have over the U.S. when in office on either side the political spectrum.

The Citizens United vs FEC ruling opened the gates to the creation of undisclosed donor super PACs, sometimes funded by one or a small number of individuals with names that misled individuals to think that they these groups are representing large groups of individuals.  This money doesn't even need to come from within the U.S, which is a travesty.  Both liberals and conservatives are guilty of this, however, conservatives are -more- guilty.

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