Monday, March 14, 2011

Who's next?

A short blog about the protests and what it means to China, but it leaves a lot to think about.

But my favorite quote is:
"Several million unemployed college graduates are far more dangerous to a modernizing regime than hundreds of millions of poor peasants."

Another quote:
"... social consciousness is swiftly evolving through a myriad of text messages, shared videos or simple conversations."

I had planned to write a whole blog regarding the idea directly above, but this pretty much summarizes it nicely.  Social consciousness is demanding transparency in local Governments and therefore the global community.

Conspiracy theory time;  many conservatives in office are urging for large cuts in education.  Unless you are living under a rock you see world power shifting out of the US towards, mainly, China.  Do conservatives think that by not educating  people they will keep power over the people in this country?  Are conservatives selling off public assets because they equate socialism with communism?  Are we seeing the conservatives last stand against the socialization of humanity on a global scale?

A month ago I would have certainly said that one megaphone with one voice shouting louder than the masses would prevail.  I'm not so sure anymore, I think we are seeing the early stages of a global awakening.  I fear the geeks might have the largest fight of all coming; I forsee an attempted global clampdown on communications and social networking coming.  Have mercy on the first party to openly shred the first amendment in the US by attempting to do so [freedom of speech, right to petition the Government].  I know we have had some struggles lately in Madison, but we're not -quite- there yet.

"... If the country's current property bubble bursts and tens of millions of people are thrown out of work, the government's legitimacy, which rests on its management of the economy, would be seriously undermined."

Personal note; I do not condone communism, and personally think communism will be ultimate undoing of China as their people become more educated.

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