Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cornucopia #1

I'm taking my blog weekly [or whenever].  Yay.

Rant of the week:

Democrat against Republican, private against public, region against region (Madison now encompasses 32 counties according our Gov), haves against have nots, state against state.  This is the face of conservatism in Wisconsin.

We the People award

Scott Walker loves majorities so much that he passed a bill to require unions to win a majority (not plurality) of workers during the mandated annual certification votes.

And he loves referenda so much that the same bill would legally require a state-wide referendum to give public workers any wage increase above the rate of inflation.

Yet, when the courts are about to strike down a public referendum in support of required paid sick leave in Milwaukee, what is Walkers stance?  His stance is that the referendum DOES NOT MATTER because it DOES NOT MATCH HIS IDEOLOGY.

What other mandates might they ignore?  Minimum wage referendums?  Pro Choice referendums? 

Is it any wonder what will happen in the Supreme Court when We The People finally have a referendum on limiting money as speech in elections??

Luckily, as the US crumbles due to failing infrastructure and the promotion of idiocracy and ideoogy instead of using facts and thinking, at least I'll still live in '$number square miles surrounded by reality'.!-First-City-in-the-Nation-to-Do-So

Democracy my ass.

Faith based Government

Dear Christians; why don't you eat your own dog food and let God judge these people instead of forcing your beliefs on others?

GOP's grass roots movement efforts.

Tee hee.  Can't raise enough money in state, can't get enough canvassers in state.  That silent majority sure is silent.  Maybe they're just getting ready for when there is no longer and freedom of speech.

Fixing the Deficit:

Umm, hi.  Obama is not a Republican.  He might not be a Democrat, but he is not a Republican. 

Expecting Obama to roll over on actually fixing this country instead of pushing a Tea Party Libertarian ideology of limited Government is, well, absurd. 

I think most sensible people understand that fixing the debt will require a mix of cutting spending and raising taxes.

The taxes in America are NOT high compared to other first world nations.  So, are we shooting for a second or third world nation?

Here is a link comparing the plans.

Corporate outrage:

All companies, big and small, should be treated the same.  If the small busisnesses, which Republicans claim to be helping, can't get the same deal tax breaks as the big guys, then voting Republican is just saying "OK" to a different type of welfare that only benefits the 2%.

Twitter, who has an  essentially non tangible 'product' has joined the ranks of corporate awesomeness.  Maybe not paying the same taxes as everyone else is a sign that you've made it as a company [or individual] in the US.

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