Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Corporate Takeover Edition

Direct quote: "More money is more free speech"

Tennessee has authorized corporations to directly give money to candidates and political parties.

A nice indicator of how f'd up the stock market is.  Computers and those who program them have decided the financial state of not only our economy, but the global economy in general, based on imaginary, not physical assets, and their wordsmithed press releases.  Yup, regulation is the last thing we need.

Did you miss this parlor trick the Dems tried to pull on the GOP?  LOL.  If you're going to get paid $172k/yr at least pay attention.  What does the GOP -really- want to do with our country?

Hey GOP, where are all of the "jobs, jobs, jobs" bills that you were going to propose as part of the mandated "change"?  Since the Dems got shellacked the unemployment rate has went UP.

Oh, that's right.  This is what you've been up to.

Yeah, you guys alot better than our moderate Republican president, Obama.

The bankruptcy of Borders; one just closed a few blocks from home.

"This is what we can expect of a Republican or Tea Party America, a land where corporations reward themselves for running themselves into the ground and putting untold thousands out of work, all the while holding these incompetents up as examples of what this country needs. This is the bleak reality of how corporate America works. I submit to you that this country needs the 6,000 put out of work by Borders than the few executives who through gross negligence forced the company into bankruptcy."

When my kid grows up I'm hoping they turn out to be a failed CEO so that they can run a business into the ground and still get a million dollar bonus.

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