Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The economic war against America by America

Multinational Corporations are proposing to bring back money they hid offshore on their terms.  The very rich and few want to dictate policy in the US.  Google "2011 us corporate tax holiday".  Google, Microsoft, Pfizer, Apple, Adobe.  They want no conditions on how the money is used, and they want a 5% tax rate.  FIVE.  NOT A TYPO.

Here is a description of one of the tools being used by US corporations to legally avoid paying taxes.

OK, so based on this, Ireland must be swimming in cash, right?  Nope.  Why is that Ireland, despite their 12% corporate tax rate, which is the lowest in the world on the books, has a public debt as bad as the USA with respect to GDP, a ratio that is QUICKLY growing?  Doesn't seem like the 12% rate is good for Ireland.  Note: in the US, the effective corporate tax rate is already below 20% because of this.

Ireland debt graph:

Here is what the treasury has to say.  Basically, last time we did this in 2004, the multinational recipients got most of the benefit [not too many small businesses are overseas] and still cut jobs.  The rich got richer.  Again.


Does any SANE person think that these companies won't leave Ireland [or the US again] if some shell nation enacts a 2.5% effective corporate tax rate?  All of the same arguments apply to our current situation.  "We do what makes sense to the shareholders ...  It would be 'stupid' to not do so."

These above quotes [and more] sourced from a transcript from last Sunday's 60 minutes.

While I'm add it, I'll tick off a list of other things that must be stupid.  Paying living wages.  Providing healthcare.  Protecting the enviornment.  Educating our children.  Eating healthy food.  Drinking clean water. Are these things the "shareholders" don't care about?  I'm a shareholder, and I care about these things.

Want to know what else is stupid?  Thinking a revolution isn't coming.  I think a growing number of people are finally admitting that corporate 'freedom' is economic terrorism. 

Want to get into an argument about how --I'm-- unpatriotic because I'm liberal, or I --must-- be a communist?  American multinational corporations value shareholders more than America.  They say it themselves.  Wake up America, there are almost 2.5 BILLION people in India and China, already slaves and potentially consumers to a wealthy elite.  Corporations no longer need America.

Without global reform and current consumption patterns we are heading towards a race to the bottom, a corporate global oligarchy where that will kill either America or capitalism. 

Really, how do we get out of this mess?  We need to start taking care of ourselves by taking care of our families and communities.

Good luck.

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