Thursday, April 7, 2011

Miraculously Waukesha County found a bunch of extra votes.

Well, it looks like's demand last night for 'preserving their victory' has been answered by a miraculous finding that Brookfield's votes weren't included.  How is this even possible given all precincts had supposedly reported?

fact: oddities aren't new to Waukesha County

From the above article, and I -quote-: "... Nickolaus removed the election results collection and tallying system from the county computer network this spring and installed it on standalone personal computers in her office. She has said they are backed up with redundant systems."

She is the Republican County Clerk of Waukesha who used to work for the Assembly Republican Caucus

another fact: Prosser's legal team includes a man that worked for George Bush in the 2000 Florida elections

fact: Walker today said "I think it's pretty clear that you have two different world's in this state, you've got a world driven by Madison and and a world driven by everybody else out across the majority of the state of Wisconsin." 

This is a NON PARTISIAN ELECTION YOU DUMBASS.  Yeah, I know, non partisan is a JOKE, which is exactly why it is a JOKE to think that Supreme Court justices aren't biased, which you are basically admitting like everyone else who voted partisian in this election, because otherwise you wouldn't give two poops who was elected justice.
Evidentally to Walker, most of western Wisconsin, Milwaukee [which had a 40 percentage point swing away from a conservative county executive], and extreme north Wisconsin are all part of Madison now.  Wow, thanks for the geography lesson.  Yup, it's us vs them in the US.  Not US together.  Walker, your classy proclamations of dividing people are getting a little OLD.


I wouldn't have given two poops about the Supreme Court race had you not taken this holier than thou attitude towards folks that don't see the world through your eyes.  For my entire adult life until two months ago, while I voted and paid attention, I didn't really give a crap until you brought your big shot attitude into the Governor's office and then decided that you are only going to be governor for half the state and ACTIVELY ALIENATE AND DEMONIZE those that "dare" see the world differently?  That somehow you have deluded yourself to think that this state is filled to brim with fiscal and social conservatives and everyone else should, I don't know, should we be deported?  Should I put a triangle on my sleeve?

Walker could have admitted that even if the election turned around by, oh lets say 7500 votes, partisianly, we are deeply divided and we will work together to move Wisconsin forward but no, that wouldn't be his way.  He's going to keep beating his partisan drum until he is beat out of office, which I hope happens next year.

Dane County has 488,073 people and provided 133,513 votes to Kloppenberg, less than 19% of votes statewide, yet somehow 'Madison' drives the state.  Washington and Waukesha counties have 112043 votes for Prosser and 498122 people live there.

How about as a pinko liberal communist bast*rd I'll say that "-I- think it's pretty clear that you have two different world's in this state, you've got a world driven by Milwaukee suburbs and a world driven by everybody else out across the majority of the state of Wisconsin."  Guess what, that doesn't sound very sane or fair either, does it?

Even if Kloppenberg loses, she picked up 30 percentage points between the primary and the final tally.  If Prosser had the actual votes to win this election, I 100% -whole heartedly agree- that he deserves to be the Justice, even if he likes to threaten to destory his b*tch of a coworker.  I mean, free speech and all.

Republicans, who in the 2010 election cycle are proving to be -very interested- in weakening elected legislatures [by appointing more and more posts in scandalous ways].

And now, a voting scandal, which it is EVEN IF the results are legitimate, where a republican in a republican county who has basically 'privatized' the clerk process against the wishes of the Waukesha County Board were brushed aside, and miraculously saves the day to get Prosser re-elected.


* An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage: "a bribery scandal".
* The outrage or anger caused by such an action or event
* Rumor or malicious gossip about such events or actions
* A state of affairs regarded as wrong or reprehensible and causing general public outrage or anger

I'm sure you'll understand if I'm just a -tad- skeptical about what is happening in Waukesha County.

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