Friday, March 25, 2011

Fitzwalkerstan Water LLC: Now with electrolytes!

This is not proposed yet, but let me be the first to say "I told you so" when it happens.

Globally, more than 90% of water and sanitation systems are publicly owned and operated.  The privatization of the water industry is already trillion dollar industry.  Think bottled water.  Prepare to pay more for less to a private monopoly that puts profit over service.  Past and current water privatization proposals have even denied peoples' rights to collect rain water on their property.

Why do I think this could happen?  The ALEC "State Budget Toolkit" promotes privitization of water services [and other things like state parks and roads].

PS: Sorry for the delay. To say I'm running out of steam would be an exaggeration; I just can't keep up at the previous pace.

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