Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm not the enemy. I am part of the problem, and part of the solution.

Without a doubt, the U.S. in 2014 will look very different than the U.S. in 2011.  Exactly how it looks will be decided by the whether or not the people of this country want a say  Unless you believe our entire country is better off being privatized, you better start paying attention.

Parts of our country are being held hostage by a minority of freshmen Republicans who see compromise as capitulation to the enemy instead of embracing the desires and goals of 300,000,000 Americans working together to achieve a common goal. 

These new breed of idealists are not interested in intelligent debate.  Some are extremely uncouth.  Some seem so idelogical that they don't seem to really care or understand that educational cuts will destroy America.  Education is our last stand to succeed in a knowledge based economy.  We need this more than ever given our manufaturing base economy has been exported in the last 30 years, which for those counting, included 20 years with a Republican president and 8 years with a Democrat president.  None of them were interested in stopping the train wreck.

After the essentially criminal behavior that occurred in our finacial markets in 2008~2009, Americans have a lot to be upset about.  But if an idealogue gets into the White House in 2012 with their no holds barred "I'm not listening to you" attitude, God help us all.  They view the privitzation of everything as the solution.  Government is not a business.  The Constitution wasn't written during a time of global mega conglomerates.  Something has to change. 

With that, some commentary from CNN, followed by a selection of other interesting things happening in the U.S.

CNN from Feb 24th:


Michigan: Republicans are threatening a takeover of the entire state.  Their budget deficit is approximately $1.6B a year, less than Wisconsins. 


"The legislation in the Republican-controlled Senate would give emergency financial managers authority to dissolve local governments and school boards, assume management control and even order millage elections."


Minnesota's Michelle Bachmann is not a voice I want representing America.


Her views on global warming are entertaining. 

She stated that because life requires CO2 and it is part of the planet's life cycle, it cannot be harmful.  Based on her argument, water and oxygen also can't be harmful.  Oxygen is extremely combustible.  Have you heard of water intoxication?


Montana has a few gems.


"They are also protesting against bills by State Representative Joe Read, a Republican, to declare global warming "natural" and "beneficial," and to prevent the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases."

me> I guess Joe Read hasn't put it together that global warming means the entire coastline, tens of millions of people, are projected to be underwater [literally] by 2100.  He who dies with the most dollars still dies, Joe.

"A bill introduced by Representative Dan Kennedy, a Laurel Republican, would amend the Montana State Constitution to add the words "and economically productive" following "clean and healthful."

me> Repeat after me; central government is a socialist entity.  It is not a buisness.  You might as well disband government if you are going to put profits before all else.  Government is here to keep society going.


New York has determined that only Islam is the enemy, but the real enemy to U.S. and the planet is radicalization and extremism from any source.



The New Hampshire Republican majority thinks that college students shouldn't be allowed to vote because they vote liberal.  Seriously, disenfranchasing Liberal -and- Conservative  voters in the 18-24 age group?  Shame on you for expecting the younger generation to accept a dystopian future where their voice isn't valued.  This fits in well with what is happening in Utah.



Ohio, which is doing union busting just like in Wisconsin, decided to rig the vote once it became clear that it wasn't going to pass.


Apparently, Sen. Tom Niehaus, with his bill and union-busting desires in danger of failing, chose to decide the will of the legislative body by removing two members of his caucus, to ensure the bill would pass.  The bill did, in fact, pass by a slim margin of 17-16, with six other Republicans voting against it. The bill now moves on to the House where Republicans hold a much larger majority.


Utah, among other grand things, is trying to do away with open records laws.  My assumption here is the belief that open record laws don't exist for private buisnesses, and since their idea of Government is a Republican coutrolled plutocracy, Government doesn't need it either.


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