Friday, March 11, 2011

S**T on your neighbor

Here is what is not going to work.  Let's put all of our eggs in the 'attract business' basket at all costs.  Lets cut education, let's cut healthcare, let's cut all the social services and tax everyone in the lower income brackets more.  Also, lets sell off all public assets, because inserting a middleman is sure to save money.

[Current events in Michigan]

Consider this; if there was enough work to go around we wouldn't have this problem.  Technology is improving.  What is there simply will never be enough jobs to go around ever again?  What if there are not enough jobs for the number of people on the planet to coexist with the greedy underpinnings of capitalism?  Will we let people starve?  Die?  There has to be a social aspect of American capitalism unless we are all willing to compete with the most opprossed workers on the planet.

Where are we [Wisconsin] attracing jobs from?  Does Walker think that Megacorps are going to abandon their low wage oversea factories and come back to Wisconsin over a few measly million dollars?  No.  Walker puts on a dog and pony show about stealing jobs from Illinois, mocking Democrats that are trying to increase revenue through taxation.  "WISCONSIN IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS".  As if Illinois, another state in our nation, was some sort of enemy that damaging is OK.  Illinois, some sort of combatant that we must outdo.  This isn't football folks.  This isn't Packers vs Bears.  Christ people, this is the -UNITED- States of America.  Is it your best plan to lay hurt to another STATE IN OUR NATION?

The only conclusion I can draw is that this attitude, this mindsight, implies that you are putting the power of your own political party ABOVE THE INTERESTS OF THE NATION.  Fitzgerald so as much said this on FOX.  This is the same man that has decided the laws in the WI constitution need not apply to his majority party.

WHY would someone do that?

We aren't creating jobs this way.  At best we are hoping to move them around the states in a race to the bottom.  Pensions, healthcare, education.  These are all things America does not need if you believe the Republican agenda.

In the meantime, high labor jobs continue to be exported offshore, and the only reasonable solution is to out innovate the rest of the world.  We need to stay ahead if we want to have a standard of living that is higher than a third world country. 

We can't out innovate by slashing education.

The Republicans are pushing a vicious cycle to the bottom.

S**T on your neighbor will bankrupt America and reward those who can transfer wealth out of the U.S.

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