Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Don't Already Have the Right to Vote?

The more you pay attention, the more messed up you realize things are in America.

At the Capitol last Saturday, I was talking to a lady that heard a 'rumor' that part of the end game of this latest conservative political movement was to abolish elections.  It's far fetched, but it's not inconceivable.  The U.S. is one of just 11 among 120 or so constitutional democracies that fail to guarantee a right to vote in their constitutions.

The actions of some of the current Republican majority seem to indicate they'd certainly salivate over the idea of, at a minimum, heavily clamping down on who can vote based on ideology.  This is of course ignoring what already happens with 'legal' gerrymandering [both parties guilty of this]

In fact, I'll go further.  I'll buy you a beer* if, by 2012, at least one conservative majority state hasn't tried to severely restrict the right to suffrage based on their expected idelogical outcome. 

PS, I'm not for sure voting for Obama, but I'm not seeing a good reason to trust conservatives either.

Further reading;

* a three way handshake must occur for this offer to be valid.

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