Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The only conservative I admire is Alex P Keaton

Shout goes out to a tier 1.5 friend who pointed out the following URL;


The above blog proposes that an organization called ALEC is responsible for the wash of legislation across the Red states in the country.  I suspect there are multiple sources for legislation, yet finding even a single one is a GREAT find, as it at least foreshadows what is coming, and gives us a chance to have some intelligent discussion on these issues compared to just swallowing terribly constructed lines from our elected officials who, I am convinced more everyday don't understand what they are doing and are just regurtigating think-tank suggestions.

Whether you fundamentally agree on the solutions proposed, the ALEC webpage lists several publications on various issues with publications that are well thought out from a conservative point of view.


It's obvious that ALEC is proud of their card carrying member Mr Scott Walker


While I've gotten through barely any of this content, amazingly, at a quick glance, the budget repair bill and the budget proposal have obviously taken cues from these titles.

# The State Factor
# The State Legislators Guide to Repealing ObamaCare
# EPA's Regulatory Train Wreck
# Report Card on American Education
# Rich States, Poor States
# School Choice and State Constitutions
# Disorder in the Court
# 10 Questions State Legislators Should Ask About Higher Education
# 2010 State Legislators Guide to Prescription Drug Policy
# State Pension Funds Fall Off a Cliff
# State Budget Reform Toolkit
# Other Post Employee Benefit Plans: A Case for Shifting to the Defined Contribution Approach

I'm going to do a 'shallow' dive into each publication as seperate blog entries over the next few days with respect to how they apply to current events in Wisconsin.

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