Will 2011 will go down in history as the year that the GOP lets the US default and cause a global depression?
Among first OR second world countries we have the -third- lowest revenue compared to GDP. Only Mexico and Chile are lower. Wow, we sure are taxed to death. Not. I guess the Tea Party and the GOP wants to rename the entire country New Mexico.
Partisan politics has gotten so pathetic in this country that the GOP has to attack Obama just because he is "not one of them". Obama's policies are moderate fiscally and socially, unlike the current GOP agenda.
Let's compare Medicare Part D to "Obamacare".
Medicare Part D: largest totally unfunded corporate handout:
"Obamacare": funded from Medicare cuts, corporate handout.
Obamacare is a corporate handout? Hell Yes. By requiring folks to carry insurance in the private sector. A Government takeover of healthcare you say? That would have been a mandatory single payer system, not a single payer -OPTION-, which is what we really needed. That's right, I'm one of those 'under 40 nutcases' that thinks the law wasn't liberal -enough-.
I -can not- believe people would want to repeal the ability for people with pre-existing conditions to get health insurance. Really, what is wrong with you? Remember, do unto others and payback is a b**ch. Clearly this has voters confused as they have been trained to attack those who are not on their team.
Bush drove up the debt 4 to 5 trillion dollars and left the economy in the toilet at the end of his term for this moment. Wars, Medicare Part D, tax cuts for those who need them least. Where were you then, Tea Party? Oh, that's right, you weren't funded by Billionaires yet, because the GOP was still in control and executing their plan to "Starve The Beast".
Grover Norquist, you suck.
The 2000 to 2008 presidency was all about getting this country to the brink of bankruptcy. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! This $**t was planned all along. Hell, that 70+ year old Senator d00d from Vermont figured it out. What's his name, Colonel Sanders?
The GOP worked so hard over the last eight years to irrevocably damage the US permenantly. Raising revenue now could ultimately mean all of their hard work of hating on non rich people was for naught.
Sorry Barack, I naively thought that bipartisanship was possible, too, but clearly it's not when the other side wants 100% of their way and 0% of yours. Obama needs to start kicking ass, taking names, or risk alienating his base.
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