Monday, March 7, 2011


Michael Hare, 2011:

"I think Scott Walker is going down a slippery slope.  If he's going to do this now for those who make $70,000 a year, when's he going to decide that $50,000 is too much, you know?  I mean, you're on a slippery slope here.  You vote on somebody who decides that $70,000 makes you're rich?  And $50,000 and you're rich?  I mean, where does it end?  you know, that's - people got to ask that question."

Americans for Prosperity [Koch Brothers] are busing Ohio native Joe around Wisconsin as an outside agitator to garner support for Scott Walker.  Scott Walker wants public sector workers to take a 10% pay cut.  The average public sector worker makes $70k/yr with benefits.

In 2008, Joe stumped for McCain and made the following comments


COURIC: Well, he supposedly will raise taxes only on people who make over $250,000 a year. Would you be in that category?

WURZELBACHER: Not right now at presently, but, you know, question, so he's going to do that now for people who make $250,000 a year. When's he going to decide that $100,000 is too much, you know? I mean, you're on a slippery slope here. You vote on somebody who decides that $250,000 and you're rich? And $100,000 and you're rich? I mean, where does it end? You know, that's - people got to ask that question.

In 2011, here is what he has to say about Wisconsin

The speakers at the event both mock the anti-Walker crowd and patronize them. Wurzelbacher talks about what he saw as an attitude of entitlement among union workers: “’I deserve this, I deserve that. I deserve the money in your pocket, sir.’ Whatever happened to the word ‘earn’?”


Yes Joe, it's a good idea to question authority.  But these 'rich' public workers are teachers, police officers, fire fighters, and hundreds of thousands of other people that you deride in our country SERVE our country.  These are not people that are trying their damnedest to export wealth OUT of our country.

Look, I don't sit around deriding private workers, who consciously take a riskier job for greater reward opportunities.  Joe, I think that's great.  But if public workers have no security, poor benefits, and walk around with a target on their back, what quality of public workers, teachers and police officers, do you think we'll have?

Joe, I 'earn' my money.  It's not like the Wisconsin taxpayers pay me to sit at home.

Read more about Joe here.

and some controversy surrounding Joe in the same article.


After posting, I added the following comments else

Do yourself a favor and watch this, Joe's talk yesterday. While I don't fully agree with what he says, what he says is in a civil tone, I will credit him with that.

At about 2:30 in the presentation, the group of ~600 supporters meeting inside kicked out an anti-walker protestor. Someone yells "We don't come to your rally, leave us alone". That, my friends, is an idiot at work. They do come to our rallies. Very few of them, but they are there. Note how the Tea Party crowd tries to squash dissension. I haven't witnessed this at the Anti-Walker rally.  What is the Tea Party to afraid of?

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