Sunday, April 3, 2011

Police States, Zombies, defending against coup d'état.

Wow, sorry I missed this gem.  Huckabee makes his proclamation about 1:15 into this video.

Ok, so 2012 GOP potential Huckabee is against the first amendment and is for an evangelical police state?  Umm, last I knew, only CRIMINALS or POLICE OFFICERS UPHOLDING THE LAW force people to do things at gunpoint?  Am I right?  I thought in this country we valued freedom.  You respect me, I respect yours.

David Barton is a self admitted historical revisionist.

Am I really supposed to believe the majority of the country thinks that the first amendment is a bad idea?  You can be a Christian without treading on the Constitution on our country or the rights of others.  Will the sensible Christians please stand up against this crap?

I might as well also comment on the -massive- Tea Party Rally in DC last Friday demanding $61B in budget cuts.

Two URLs have verified the turnout to be... 3 Million?  300,000?  Try..  300 people!

HAHA!!!!!  TOO FUNNY tea partiers.  So I'm supposed to accept that -300- people showing up to protest in DC are representative of the ideals of 300 Million people?  I say let the 300 people "hold their ground" on demanding cuts.  Over 70,000 people showed up in Madison alone to protest -against- the tea party and Scott Walker's idelogical moves, trying to "hold their ground", and see how well -our- wishes were respected by -our- Government?

Now, I know there are more than 300 tea partiers, but come on.  This was week, um, 6 or so, I've lost count, of protests in Madison, and there were more -zombies- protesting today than 300.  Yes, I said zombies.

The biggest 'tea party' turnout in Wisconsin supporting Walker has been about 600 people.  Am I really supposed to believe the tea party represents America?  Does the tea party really care -that little- about Government to not even show up to defend it?

Don't parents teach anyone that in America we compromise and respect?  What exactly are kids learning these days?

I'm all in favor of the Tea Party being represented.  In fact, let's create a three [or more] party system; libertarian [tea party], democratic, and republican, and see how much power the tea party has.  I say three or more because I'm not happy with the Democrats, so sign me up for 'The Left'.   

Why exactly are Republicans content with letting the tea party overthrow their party? 

I'll have to admit, I can't wait for the Tea Party to take the white house in 2012.  Maybe they can crank up racial and religous profiling and internet censorship too.  Can't have those infidels organizing and exercising free speech!

I can't wait to see tens of millions of people descend on DC.  Trust me, I'll be there if I have to spend the last dime I have.

The harder I am pushed, the harder I tend to push back.

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