Monday, March 21, 2011

Dunkelweizen is Patriotic

I'm thinking of moving to Germany.  Here are my reasons in order.

1) The Beer
2) The Voter Turnout
3) Not a two party system
4) The Beer 
5) The Pirate Party got more votes than the Republican Party [yes, I know of the "National Democratic Party"...]

Pirate Party Platform:  I'd probably be branded an enemy of the state or a lunatic if I ran on this here.

"The party opposes the dismantlement of civil rights in telephony and on the Internet, in particular the European data retention policies and Germany's new Internet censorship law called Zugangserschwerungsgesetz. It also opposes artificial monopolies and various measures of surveillance of citizens.  The party favors the civil right to information privacy and reforms of copyright, education, computer science and genetic patents.  It promotes in particular an enhanced transparency of government by implementing open source governance and providing for APIs to allow for electronic inspection and control of government operations by the citizen."

I don't think the Pirate Party would stand for this:

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