Sunday, March 6, 2011

Letter to the Governor

No matter how you feel about this issue, I suggest you do the same.

If you believe in transparent Government, whether you agree or disagree with Walker's agenda for Wisconsin, you should let your voice be heard.

The Governor has claimed overwhelming support for this proposals by way of his email account.  An open records request for his emails to verify these claims have been ignored.  A lawsuit has been filed.

I suggest you voice your support for transparent Government by including a statement in your email.  Here is what I included in mine.

"I hear that you have received an open records request for your email.  I'll be looking for my email in the open records request."

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Opposition to Senate Bill 11
Date: Sun, 06 Mar 2011 09:38:11 -0600
From: xxxxxxxxxxxx <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


[cc, my Representatives]

I am opposed to your elimination of collective bargaining as 'the' fix
to cover deficits.

I understand your argument that eliminating collective bargaining is a
timesaver.  But eliminating collective bargaining doesn't fix budget
issues.  Public workers are, in general, compensated less than private
workers.  You are asking all public workers to take a ~10%+ pay cut.
Governor, call it what it is, a mandated ~10%+ pay cut for educators and
a slew of other professions that serve to move Wisconsin Forward.

You have made it clear publicly and quasi-privately [Koch call] that you
have no intention to negotiate with Wisconsin.  All Wisconsinites need
to be allowed to sit at the table to solve our problems, and this is
accomplished by allowing all Representatives to participate meaningfully
in the Legislature.  Republican representatives currently speak for 57%
of Wisconsin.  Those 57% -definitely- deserve to be represented.  So do
the other 43%.  It is demeaning to expect the 43% to rubber stamp your

While it is true that we need to get our financial situation in order,
and I won't dismiss that some concessions could be made for the
betterment of Wisconsin, dignity cannot be retained using the partisan
political tricks you are playing.

I hear that you have received an open records request for your email.
I'll be looking for my email in the open records request.

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