Tuesday, March 1, 2011

An attempted minority takeover in Wisconsin's Capitol

Walker and our Republican representatives, you were voted in by 52% of the public.  19 of 33 senators are Republican [57%].  57 of 99 assemblyman are Republican [57%].

57% of Wisconsin believes a Conservative agenda is the right way to go with Wisconsin.  We all get that.  I don't even have a problem with that.

The problem is, you are not a Conservative, you are a Tea Party extremist  Today is your big day, when you announce a budget you didn't campaign on, a budget to essentially end investements in education and Government services in Wisconsin. 

Depending on what polls you believe, anywhere from 17% to 27% of Americans consider themselves Tea Party members.  You are representing an extreme viewpoint that a minority of Americans believe in, yet you have put yourself into an idealogue and autocrat position that the people of Wisconsin are behind you.  How popular will you be once the dust settles over your budget?  When only the Tea Party and a few confused Republicans are left to defend how far you've gone, will you still refuse to compromise?

I agree with you on the following parts of the Contract For America.

# Identify constitutionality of every new law
# Demand a balanced federal budget
# Simplify the tax system
# Audit federal government agencies for waste and constitutionality
# Limit annual growth in federal spending
# Pass an 'All-of-the-Above' Energy Policy
# Reduce Earmarks

I don't agree with you on

# Reject emissions trading
# Repeal the healthcare legislation passed on March 23, 2010
# Reduce Taxes

Reduced taxes will come hand in hand with a balanced budget and reduced waste.

Funny, no where in that Contract do I read

# Break the middle class for tax reductions only for Corporations
# Eliminate investments in education and the future of our state
# Reject democracy and the majority will of the people.

There were 100,000+ people in Madison this week because you are not representing the majority of Wisconsin.  You are, at best, representing less than 1/3rd of the people.  1/3rd of the people shouldn't have 100% of the say.

You have convinced many of our respectable, elected Republican officials that they should support the extreme agenda of the Tea Party, a group that has the support of less than a 1/3rd of Americans, and reject any compromise.  You have convinced them that intelligent debate or negotiation of this bill is not needed. 

You have publically dismissed our representatives that do not agree with your idealogue as people that are "not one of us".  Who in the HELL is this "US" you are talking about Scott Walker?  I think all of Wisconsin would like to know, so we better understand exactly who's agenda you are pushing.

Really, we're not asking for a lot, we're just asking for Democracy, which strangely I wouldn't think I'd have to fight for inside MY OWN COUNTRY.  Yet that is what I feel like I have been doing every time I have been to the square for the last 13 or so days.

We are Wisconsin.  We are all "US".  Who are you?

On my way out of town on Sunday, I saw a sign at the Amoco on station on East Washington, obviously left behind by a protester.  "No Compromise, No Democracy.  Know Compromise, Know Democracy".  It's true, if we cannot peacefully come together to solve this problem, there will be No Democracy, and you refuse to join the people of Wisconsin.  You are a divider.

Yesterday you decided to lock us out of our Capitol.  I hear that you setup metal detectors as well.  Just in case you forgot, or couldn't hear the many protesters below your window Governor, this is OUR house.  WE are all Wisconsin, not YOU.


Scott, drop your ego and meet the people of Wisconsin somewhat near the middle.  You are supposed to represent all of Wisconsin's best interests.  Given your viewpoints and minority you represent, you are probably entitled to about a 40% compromise, but I think you'd be amazed how receptive the people of Wisconsin are to a 60% solution.

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