Trump is an angry billionaire with a big ego who is will acquainted with personal bankruptcy. He's not the right choice for the GOP unless the GOP wants to lose.
Seriously, is Trump here just to make Palin look sane? Because it's working. I see what you're doing there, pushing the needle so far to the right that it changes the definition of center. Nice try.
Hasn't Trump figured out that if we tax the imports of those Chinese motherfu**rs [his words, not mine] 25% that umm, maybe in addition to just raising the price of everything 25%, they'll just call our debt? Then what Trump? Do we bomb them?
Ohh, did I mention that alot of Trump empire branded goods come from China? What a hypocrite. Anything for a buck?
PS, quit it with the moving target sideshow. You're really embarrassing yourself, the GOP, and the US. If you actually care about this country focus on real issues and real solutions.
Trump's history:
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Corporate Takeover Edition
Direct quote: "More money is more free speech"
Tennessee has authorized corporations to directly give money to candidates and political parties.
A nice indicator of how f'd up the stock market is. Computers and those who program them have decided the financial state of not only our economy, but the global economy in general, based on imaginary, not physical assets, and their wordsmithed press releases. Yup, regulation is the last thing we need.
Did you miss this parlor trick the Dems tried to pull on the GOP? LOL. If you're going to get paid $172k/yr at least pay attention. What does the GOP -really- want to do with our country?
Hey GOP, where are all of the "jobs, jobs, jobs" bills that you were going to propose as part of the mandated "change"? Since the Dems got shellacked the unemployment rate has went UP.
Oh, that's right. This is what you've been up to.
Yeah, you guys alot better than our moderate Republican president, Obama.
The bankruptcy of Borders; one just closed a few blocks from home.
"This is what we can expect of a Republican or Tea Party America, a land where corporations reward themselves for running themselves into the ground and putting untold thousands out of work, all the while holding these incompetents up as examples of what this country needs. This is the bleak reality of how corporate America works. I submit to you that this country needs the 6,000 put out of work by Borders than the few executives who through gross negligence forced the company into bankruptcy."
When my kid grows up I'm hoping they turn out to be a failed CEO so that they can run a business into the ground and still get a million dollar bonus.
Tennessee has authorized corporations to directly give money to candidates and political parties.
A nice indicator of how f'd up the stock market is. Computers and those who program them have decided the financial state of not only our economy, but the global economy in general, based on imaginary, not physical assets, and their wordsmithed press releases. Yup, regulation is the last thing we need.
Did you miss this parlor trick the Dems tried to pull on the GOP? LOL. If you're going to get paid $172k/yr at least pay attention. What does the GOP -really- want to do with our country?
Hey GOP, where are all of the "jobs, jobs, jobs" bills that you were going to propose as part of the mandated "change"? Since the Dems got shellacked the unemployment rate has went UP.
Oh, that's right. This is what you've been up to.
Yeah, you guys alot better than our moderate Republican president, Obama.
The bankruptcy of Borders; one just closed a few blocks from home.
"This is what we can expect of a Republican or Tea Party America, a land where corporations reward themselves for running themselves into the ground and putting untold thousands out of work, all the while holding these incompetents up as examples of what this country needs. This is the bleak reality of how corporate America works. I submit to you that this country needs the 6,000 put out of work by Borders than the few executives who through gross negligence forced the company into bankruptcy."
When my kid grows up I'm hoping they turn out to be a failed CEO so that they can run a business into the ground and still get a million dollar bonus.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Andrew Breitbart is perhaps the most eloquent community uniter in the history of the United States.
Have a look at the video:
The #1 comment on this video at time of post:
"Fuck the liberals! Death to unions!"
Look, if you share ideology similar to the Tea Party, I disagree, but don't have a problem with you expressing your views. I just hope you are able to articulate a lot better than this guy, because it's amazing how low we have sunk in being able to make intelligent debate.
I may not have figured out how nasty of an end game you are trying to get to, but I can see through all of this bull$hit. I know this goes well beyond the anti abortion, union busting, voter restricting, robin hood in reverse taxation, whip a bunch of fringe groups into a lather and then bust out the elected official/town dissolving path you've went down so far. And this is the first 4 months! Good grief.
Did he -really- make the argument that we are witnessing the death of community organizing? What, are you and your followers really that ignorant about what's happening in the world? Whether you like the outcome or not, have you NOT seen what the internet has done for community organizing halfway around the globe in the first part of 2011?
Did you miss the memo that Gadaffi SHUT DOWN TELECOMMUNICATIONS to try to stay in rule?
Oh wait, of course you have. The Tea Party was started by billionaires in 2009 after you saw how the internet has whooped Republican a$$ in community organization in getting Obama into the office. McCain lost by almost 10 MILLION votes.
The death of community organizing will happen when you have KILLED all of those who oppose you, just like Gadaffi is trying to exterminate those who oppose him. Let me guess; when we get a Tea Party president, maybe we'll HELP Gadaffi so that he can help end community organizing? Is that maybe what the Tea Party president will do? Bypass our democratically elected republic and to bypass the constitutional amendment process and make dissention speech illegal?
The internet can bring together anyone with like opinions, no matter how much of a minority they represent. Deal with it, or come out and say that you oppose free speech.
Rest assured if that happens, your group will eventually faction and rise up against you, Tea Party. Hell Andrew, you might personally even be the voice of the dissension.
But lets go down this path for awhile. So if what we are witnessing is the death of community organizing, are you really just admitting to the fact that the "Tea Party" is a concocted group and not organized by the community? Well then WHO is organizing the Tea Party? Oh, that's right, the tea party represents the "SILENT MAJORITY".
Here we go with this SILENT MAJORITY bull$hit again.
The SILENT majority wants a war in vietnam. LOL! How did history treat you on that one, War and Nixon lovers? Did you even bother to notice that the Silent Majority in that case were LABOR UNIONISTS claiming support for the war?
I recommend reading the entire article below. It puts current events into perspective.
So given legislation we have seen so far, what else does the SILENT MAJORITY want?
Abortion outlawed under any circumstances, including RAPE and INCEST. WRONG. See the Gallup polls. You're just abusing how the definition of pro-choice and pro-life have changed. People still feel the same way.
The SILENT MAJORITY wants a major change in socialized healthcare of all kinds [Medicare, Medicaid]. NOPE. Scroll down to "Don't Mess With Medicare"
Well clearly the The SILENT MAJORITY wants to $hitcan social security, education, welfare? NOPE.
It's pretty obvious that when you resort to "Silent majority" and to lie about majorities to push an agenda you don't have a leg to stand on, and you're resorted to voodoo mind control to try to get your way.
I'm sure that these Tea Partiers, 30 years from now, after a career of one after another low wage jobs with no benefits thanks to their efforts, then they are faced with either the choice of dying on the streets are having their COMMUNITY TAKE CARE OF THEM, will be up in arms with pitchforks over what has happened.
It's called CIVILIZATION folks. Mankind is our business, but we lost our way under the guise of capitalistic freedom if we let the dollar overrun our morals.
-IF- there is a silent majority, they DO NOT MATTER. In our country you VOTE for a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED REPUBLIC. In a democratically elected republic America if you do not vote you have NO OFFICIAL VOICE. In our democratically elected republic you do not override the will of the people.
Quit treating OUR democratically elected republic as a farce. If you approve of destroying our Government then come out and vote for it. Otherwise you are a -coward-, not a patriot, for not voting in what you believe.
Republican #1 tactic. Accuse the other guy of doing EXACTLY what you are doing. I'm the enemy because I disagree with your bull$hit. OK. That makes sense, because you keep hiding behind the SILENT MAJORITY.
The RICH and POWERFUL who use this excuse to turn America into a 2nd or 3rd world dictatorship should make ALL Americans sick.
And finally. It's call free speech Andrew Breitbart. It's not cool to call our Gov a Koch Sucker but you can tell me to go to hell? YOU go to hell yourself. How's that for division?
Fall of the Roman Empire: I think our decline was much faster
The #1 comment on this video at time of post:
"Fuck the liberals! Death to unions!"
Look, if you share ideology similar to the Tea Party, I disagree, but don't have a problem with you expressing your views. I just hope you are able to articulate a lot better than this guy, because it's amazing how low we have sunk in being able to make intelligent debate.
I may not have figured out how nasty of an end game you are trying to get to, but I can see through all of this bull$hit. I know this goes well beyond the anti abortion, union busting, voter restricting, robin hood in reverse taxation, whip a bunch of fringe groups into a lather and then bust out the elected official/town dissolving path you've went down so far. And this is the first 4 months! Good grief.
Did he -really- make the argument that we are witnessing the death of community organizing? What, are you and your followers really that ignorant about what's happening in the world? Whether you like the outcome or not, have you NOT seen what the internet has done for community organizing halfway around the globe in the first part of 2011?
Did you miss the memo that Gadaffi SHUT DOWN TELECOMMUNICATIONS to try to stay in rule?
Oh wait, of course you have. The Tea Party was started by billionaires in 2009 after you saw how the internet has whooped Republican a$$ in community organization in getting Obama into the office. McCain lost by almost 10 MILLION votes.
The death of community organizing will happen when you have KILLED all of those who oppose you, just like Gadaffi is trying to exterminate those who oppose him. Let me guess; when we get a Tea Party president, maybe we'll HELP Gadaffi so that he can help end community organizing? Is that maybe what the Tea Party president will do? Bypass our democratically elected republic and to bypass the constitutional amendment process and make dissention speech illegal?
The internet can bring together anyone with like opinions, no matter how much of a minority they represent. Deal with it, or come out and say that you oppose free speech.
Rest assured if that happens, your group will eventually faction and rise up against you, Tea Party. Hell Andrew, you might personally even be the voice of the dissension.
But lets go down this path for awhile. So if what we are witnessing is the death of community organizing, are you really just admitting to the fact that the "Tea Party" is a concocted group and not organized by the community? Well then WHO is organizing the Tea Party? Oh, that's right, the tea party represents the "SILENT MAJORITY".
Here we go with this SILENT MAJORITY bull$hit again.
The SILENT majority wants a war in vietnam. LOL! How did history treat you on that one, War and Nixon lovers? Did you even bother to notice that the Silent Majority in that case were LABOR UNIONISTS claiming support for the war?
I recommend reading the entire article below. It puts current events into perspective.
So given legislation we have seen so far, what else does the SILENT MAJORITY want?
Abortion outlawed under any circumstances, including RAPE and INCEST. WRONG. See the Gallup polls. You're just abusing how the definition of pro-choice and pro-life have changed. People still feel the same way.
The SILENT MAJORITY wants a major change in socialized healthcare of all kinds [Medicare, Medicaid]. NOPE. Scroll down to "Don't Mess With Medicare"
Well clearly the The SILENT MAJORITY wants to $hitcan social security, education, welfare? NOPE.
It's pretty obvious that when you resort to "Silent majority" and to lie about majorities to push an agenda you don't have a leg to stand on, and you're resorted to voodoo mind control to try to get your way.
I'm sure that these Tea Partiers, 30 years from now, after a career of one after another low wage jobs with no benefits thanks to their efforts, then they are faced with either the choice of dying on the streets are having their COMMUNITY TAKE CARE OF THEM, will be up in arms with pitchforks over what has happened.
It's called CIVILIZATION folks. Mankind is our business, but we lost our way under the guise of capitalistic freedom if we let the dollar overrun our morals.
-IF- there is a silent majority, they DO NOT MATTER. In our country you VOTE for a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED REPUBLIC. In a democratically elected republic America if you do not vote you have NO OFFICIAL VOICE. In our democratically elected republic you do not override the will of the people.
Quit treating OUR democratically elected republic as a farce. If you approve of destroying our Government then come out and vote for it. Otherwise you are a -coward-, not a patriot, for not voting in what you believe.
Republican #1 tactic. Accuse the other guy of doing EXACTLY what you are doing. I'm the enemy because I disagree with your bull$hit. OK. That makes sense, because you keep hiding behind the SILENT MAJORITY.
The RICH and POWERFUL who use this excuse to turn America into a 2nd or 3rd world dictatorship should make ALL Americans sick.
And finally. It's call free speech Andrew Breitbart. It's not cool to call our Gov a Koch Sucker but you can tell me to go to hell? YOU go to hell yourself. How's that for division?
Fall of the Roman Empire: I think our decline was much faster
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Cornucopia #1
I'm taking my blog weekly [or whenever]. Yay.
Rant of the week:
Democrat against Republican, private against public, region against region (Madison now encompasses 32 counties according our Gov), haves against have nots, state against state. This is the face of conservatism in Wisconsin.
We the People award
Scott Walker loves majorities so much that he passed a bill to require unions to win a majority (not plurality) of workers during the mandated annual certification votes.
And he loves referenda so much that the same bill would legally require a state-wide referendum to give public workers any wage increase above the rate of inflation.
Yet, when the courts are about to strike down a public referendum in support of required paid sick leave in Milwaukee, what is Walkers stance? His stance is that the referendum DOES NOT MATTER because it DOES NOT MATCH HIS IDEOLOGY.
What other mandates might they ignore? Minimum wage referendums? Pro Choice referendums?
Is it any wonder what will happen in the Supreme Court when We The People finally have a referendum on limiting money as speech in elections??
Luckily, as the US crumbles due to failing infrastructure and the promotion of idiocracy and ideoogy instead of using facts and thinking, at least I'll still live in '$number square miles surrounded by reality'.!-First-City-in-the-Nation-to-Do-So
Democracy my ass.
Faith based Government
Dear Christians; why don't you eat your own dog food and let God judge these people instead of forcing your beliefs on others?
GOP's grass roots movement efforts.
Tee hee. Can't raise enough money in state, can't get enough canvassers in state. That silent majority sure is silent. Maybe they're just getting ready for when there is no longer and freedom of speech.
Fixing the Deficit:
Umm, hi. Obama is not a Republican. He might not be a Democrat, but he is not a Republican.
Expecting Obama to roll over on actually fixing this country instead of pushing a Tea Party Libertarian ideology of limited Government is, well, absurd.
I think most sensible people understand that fixing the debt will require a mix of cutting spending and raising taxes.
The taxes in America are NOT high compared to other first world nations. So, are we shooting for a second or third world nation?
Here is a link comparing the plans.
Corporate outrage:
All companies, big and small, should be treated the same. If the small busisnesses, which Republicans claim to be helping, can't get the same deal tax breaks as the big guys, then voting Republican is just saying "OK" to a different type of welfare that only benefits the 2%.
Twitter, who has an essentially non tangible 'product' has joined the ranks of corporate awesomeness. Maybe not paying the same taxes as everyone else is a sign that you've made it as a company [or individual] in the US.
Rant of the week:
Democrat against Republican, private against public, region against region (Madison now encompasses 32 counties according our Gov), haves against have nots, state against state. This is the face of conservatism in Wisconsin.
We the People award
Scott Walker loves majorities so much that he passed a bill to require unions to win a majority (not plurality) of workers during the mandated annual certification votes.
And he loves referenda so much that the same bill would legally require a state-wide referendum to give public workers any wage increase above the rate of inflation.
Yet, when the courts are about to strike down a public referendum in support of required paid sick leave in Milwaukee, what is Walkers stance? His stance is that the referendum DOES NOT MATTER because it DOES NOT MATCH HIS IDEOLOGY.
What other mandates might they ignore? Minimum wage referendums? Pro Choice referendums?
Is it any wonder what will happen in the Supreme Court when We The People finally have a referendum on limiting money as speech in elections??
Luckily, as the US crumbles due to failing infrastructure and the promotion of idiocracy and ideoogy instead of using facts and thinking, at least I'll still live in '$number square miles surrounded by reality'.!-First-City-in-the-Nation-to-Do-So
Democracy my ass.
Faith based Government
Dear Christians; why don't you eat your own dog food and let God judge these people instead of forcing your beliefs on others?
GOP's grass roots movement efforts.
Tee hee. Can't raise enough money in state, can't get enough canvassers in state. That silent majority sure is silent. Maybe they're just getting ready for when there is no longer and freedom of speech.
Fixing the Deficit:
Umm, hi. Obama is not a Republican. He might not be a Democrat, but he is not a Republican.
Expecting Obama to roll over on actually fixing this country instead of pushing a Tea Party Libertarian ideology of limited Government is, well, absurd.
I think most sensible people understand that fixing the debt will require a mix of cutting spending and raising taxes.
The taxes in America are NOT high compared to other first world nations. So, are we shooting for a second or third world nation?
Here is a link comparing the plans.
Corporate outrage:
All companies, big and small, should be treated the same. If the small busisnesses, which Republicans claim to be helping, can't get the same deal tax breaks as the big guys, then voting Republican is just saying "OK" to a different type of welfare that only benefits the 2%.
Twitter, who has an essentially non tangible 'product' has joined the ranks of corporate awesomeness. Maybe not paying the same taxes as everyone else is a sign that you've made it as a company [or individual] in the US.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Miraculously Waukesha County found a bunch of extra votes.
Well, it looks like's demand last night for 'preserving their victory' has been answered by a miraculous finding that Brookfield's votes weren't included. How is this even possible given all precincts had supposedly reported?
fact: oddities aren't new to Waukesha County
From the above article, and I -quote-: "... Nickolaus removed the election results collection and tallying system from the county computer network this spring and installed it on standalone personal computers in her office. She has said they are backed up with redundant systems."
She is the Republican County Clerk of Waukesha who used to work for the Assembly Republican Caucus
another fact: Prosser's legal team includes a man that worked for George Bush in the 2000 Florida elections
fact: Walker today said "I think it's pretty clear that you have two different world's in this state, you've got a world driven by Madison and and a world driven by everybody else out across the majority of the state of Wisconsin."
This is a NON PARTISIAN ELECTION YOU DUMBASS. Yeah, I know, non partisan is a JOKE, which is exactly why it is a JOKE to think that Supreme Court justices aren't biased, which you are basically admitting like everyone else who voted partisian in this election, because otherwise you wouldn't give two poops who was elected justice.
Evidentally to Walker, most of western Wisconsin, Milwaukee [which had a 40 percentage point swing away from a conservative county executive], and extreme north Wisconsin are all part of Madison now. Wow, thanks for the geography lesson. Yup, it's us vs them in the US. Not US together. Walker, your classy proclamations of dividing people are getting a little OLD.
I wouldn't have given two poops about the Supreme Court race had you not taken this holier than thou attitude towards folks that don't see the world through your eyes. For my entire adult life until two months ago, while I voted and paid attention, I didn't really give a crap until you brought your big shot attitude into the Governor's office and then decided that you are only going to be governor for half the state and ACTIVELY ALIENATE AND DEMONIZE those that "dare" see the world differently? That somehow you have deluded yourself to think that this state is filled to brim with fiscal and social conservatives and everyone else should, I don't know, should we be deported? Should I put a triangle on my sleeve?
Walker could have admitted that even if the election turned around by, oh lets say 7500 votes, partisianly, we are deeply divided and we will work together to move Wisconsin forward but no, that wouldn't be his way. He's going to keep beating his partisan drum until he is beat out of office, which I hope happens next year.
Dane County has 488,073 people and provided 133,513 votes to Kloppenberg, less than 19% of votes statewide, yet somehow 'Madison' drives the state. Washington and Waukesha counties have 112043 votes for Prosser and 498122 people live there.
How about as a pinko liberal communist bast*rd I'll say that "-I- think it's pretty clear that you have two different world's in this state, you've got a world driven by Milwaukee suburbs and a world driven by everybody else out across the majority of the state of Wisconsin." Guess what, that doesn't sound very sane or fair either, does it?
Even if Kloppenberg loses, she picked up 30 percentage points between the primary and the final tally. If Prosser had the actual votes to win this election, I 100% -whole heartedly agree- that he deserves to be the Justice, even if he likes to threaten to destory his b*tch of a coworker. I mean, free speech and all.
Republicans, who in the 2010 election cycle are proving to be -very interested- in weakening elected legislatures [by appointing more and more posts in scandalous ways].
And now, a voting scandal, which it is EVEN IF the results are legitimate, where a republican in a republican county who has basically 'privatized' the clerk process against the wishes of the Waukesha County Board were brushed aside, and miraculously saves the day to get Prosser re-elected.
* An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage: "a bribery scandal".
* The outrage or anger caused by such an action or event
* Rumor or malicious gossip about such events or actions
* A state of affairs regarded as wrong or reprehensible and causing general public outrage or anger
I'm sure you'll understand if I'm just a -tad- skeptical about what is happening in Waukesha County.
fact: oddities aren't new to Waukesha County
From the above article, and I -quote-: "... Nickolaus removed the election results collection and tallying system from the county computer network this spring and installed it on standalone personal computers in her office. She has said they are backed up with redundant systems."
She is the Republican County Clerk of Waukesha who used to work for the Assembly Republican Caucus
another fact: Prosser's legal team includes a man that worked for George Bush in the 2000 Florida elections
fact: Walker today said "I think it's pretty clear that you have two different world's in this state, you've got a world driven by Madison and and a world driven by everybody else out across the majority of the state of Wisconsin."
This is a NON PARTISIAN ELECTION YOU DUMBASS. Yeah, I know, non partisan is a JOKE, which is exactly why it is a JOKE to think that Supreme Court justices aren't biased, which you are basically admitting like everyone else who voted partisian in this election, because otherwise you wouldn't give two poops who was elected justice.
Evidentally to Walker, most of western Wisconsin, Milwaukee [which had a 40 percentage point swing away from a conservative county executive], and extreme north Wisconsin are all part of Madison now. Wow, thanks for the geography lesson. Yup, it's us vs them in the US. Not US together. Walker, your classy proclamations of dividing people are getting a little OLD.
I wouldn't have given two poops about the Supreme Court race had you not taken this holier than thou attitude towards folks that don't see the world through your eyes. For my entire adult life until two months ago, while I voted and paid attention, I didn't really give a crap until you brought your big shot attitude into the Governor's office and then decided that you are only going to be governor for half the state and ACTIVELY ALIENATE AND DEMONIZE those that "dare" see the world differently? That somehow you have deluded yourself to think that this state is filled to brim with fiscal and social conservatives and everyone else should, I don't know, should we be deported? Should I put a triangle on my sleeve?
Walker could have admitted that even if the election turned around by, oh lets say 7500 votes, partisianly, we are deeply divided and we will work together to move Wisconsin forward but no, that wouldn't be his way. He's going to keep beating his partisan drum until he is beat out of office, which I hope happens next year.
Dane County has 488,073 people and provided 133,513 votes to Kloppenberg, less than 19% of votes statewide, yet somehow 'Madison' drives the state. Washington and Waukesha counties have 112043 votes for Prosser and 498122 people live there.
How about as a pinko liberal communist bast*rd I'll say that "-I- think it's pretty clear that you have two different world's in this state, you've got a world driven by Milwaukee suburbs and a world driven by everybody else out across the majority of the state of Wisconsin." Guess what, that doesn't sound very sane or fair either, does it?
Even if Kloppenberg loses, she picked up 30 percentage points between the primary and the final tally. If Prosser had the actual votes to win this election, I 100% -whole heartedly agree- that he deserves to be the Justice, even if he likes to threaten to destory his b*tch of a coworker. I mean, free speech and all.
Republicans, who in the 2010 election cycle are proving to be -very interested- in weakening elected legislatures [by appointing more and more posts in scandalous ways].
And now, a voting scandal, which it is EVEN IF the results are legitimate, where a republican in a republican county who has basically 'privatized' the clerk process against the wishes of the Waukesha County Board were brushed aside, and miraculously saves the day to get Prosser re-elected.
* An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage: "a bribery scandal".
* The outrage or anger caused by such an action or event
* Rumor or malicious gossip about such events or actions
* A state of affairs regarded as wrong or reprehensible and causing general public outrage or anger
I'm sure you'll understand if I'm just a -tad- skeptical about what is happening in Waukesha County.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Police States, Zombies, defending against coup d'état.
Wow, sorry I missed this gem. Huckabee makes his proclamation about 1:15 into this video.
Ok, so 2012 GOP potential Huckabee is against the first amendment and is for an evangelical police state? Umm, last I knew, only CRIMINALS or POLICE OFFICERS UPHOLDING THE LAW force people to do things at gunpoint? Am I right? I thought in this country we valued freedom. You respect me, I respect yours.
David Barton is a self admitted historical revisionist.
Am I really supposed to believe the majority of the country thinks that the first amendment is a bad idea? You can be a Christian without treading on the Constitution on our country or the rights of others. Will the sensible Christians please stand up against this crap?
I might as well also comment on the -massive- Tea Party Rally in DC last Friday demanding $61B in budget cuts.
Two URLs have verified the turnout to be... 3 Million? 300,000? Try.. 300 people!
HAHA!!!!! TOO FUNNY tea partiers. So I'm supposed to accept that -300- people showing up to protest in DC are representative of the ideals of 300 Million people? I say let the 300 people "hold their ground" on demanding cuts. Over 70,000 people showed up in Madison alone to protest -against- the tea party and Scott Walker's idelogical moves, trying to "hold their ground", and see how well -our- wishes were respected by -our- Government?
Now, I know there are more than 300 tea partiers, but come on. This was week, um, 6 or so, I've lost count, of protests in Madison, and there were more -zombies- protesting today than 300. Yes, I said zombies.
The biggest 'tea party' turnout in Wisconsin supporting Walker has been about 600 people. Am I really supposed to believe the tea party represents America? Does the tea party really care -that little- about Government to not even show up to defend it?
Don't parents teach anyone that in America we compromise and respect? What exactly are kids learning these days?
I'm all in favor of the Tea Party being represented. In fact, let's create a three [or more] party system; libertarian [tea party], democratic, and republican, and see how much power the tea party has. I say three or more because I'm not happy with the Democrats, so sign me up for 'The Left'.
Why exactly are Republicans content with letting the tea party overthrow their party?
I'll have to admit, I can't wait for the Tea Party to take the white house in 2012. Maybe they can crank up racial and religous profiling and internet censorship too. Can't have those infidels organizing and exercising free speech!
I can't wait to see tens of millions of people descend on DC. Trust me, I'll be there if I have to spend the last dime I have.
The harder I am pushed, the harder I tend to push back.
Ok, so 2012 GOP potential Huckabee is against the first amendment and is for an evangelical police state? Umm, last I knew, only CRIMINALS or POLICE OFFICERS UPHOLDING THE LAW force people to do things at gunpoint? Am I right? I thought in this country we valued freedom. You respect me, I respect yours.
David Barton is a self admitted historical revisionist.
Am I really supposed to believe the majority of the country thinks that the first amendment is a bad idea? You can be a Christian without treading on the Constitution on our country or the rights of others. Will the sensible Christians please stand up against this crap?
I might as well also comment on the -massive- Tea Party Rally in DC last Friday demanding $61B in budget cuts.
Two URLs have verified the turnout to be... 3 Million? 300,000? Try.. 300 people!
HAHA!!!!! TOO FUNNY tea partiers. So I'm supposed to accept that -300- people showing up to protest in DC are representative of the ideals of 300 Million people? I say let the 300 people "hold their ground" on demanding cuts. Over 70,000 people showed up in Madison alone to protest -against- the tea party and Scott Walker's idelogical moves, trying to "hold their ground", and see how well -our- wishes were respected by -our- Government?
Now, I know there are more than 300 tea partiers, but come on. This was week, um, 6 or so, I've lost count, of protests in Madison, and there were more -zombies- protesting today than 300. Yes, I said zombies.
The biggest 'tea party' turnout in Wisconsin supporting Walker has been about 600 people. Am I really supposed to believe the tea party represents America? Does the tea party really care -that little- about Government to not even show up to defend it?
Don't parents teach anyone that in America we compromise and respect? What exactly are kids learning these days?
I'm all in favor of the Tea Party being represented. In fact, let's create a three [or more] party system; libertarian [tea party], democratic, and republican, and see how much power the tea party has. I say three or more because I'm not happy with the Democrats, so sign me up for 'The Left'.
Why exactly are Republicans content with letting the tea party overthrow their party?
I'll have to admit, I can't wait for the Tea Party to take the white house in 2012. Maybe they can crank up racial and religous profiling and internet censorship too. Can't have those infidels organizing and exercising free speech!
I can't wait to see tens of millions of people descend on DC. Trust me, I'll be there if I have to spend the last dime I have.
The harder I am pushed, the harder I tend to push back.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Not a thug, not a union employee
To clarify my position for friends, acquaintances and perhaps newfound enemies about my recent chest thumping, drum beating patriotism;
* I am not a union employee. I don't agree with all aspects of unionized labor. I don't think people that are abusing the system should be protected. I also don't think we punish the abusers by assuming everyone is abusing the system and abolishing it.
* I don't think choices in State Government should be made based on influencing the next presidential election, such as our elected officials in Wisconsin are doing under the guise of less federal power and more state power.
* I believe in honoring contracts and allowing people to come to the table to discuss. In the private sector the recourse for a broken contract is the judicial system. Those claiming that there is a violation of separation of powers occurring in Wisconsin because a citizen is challenging the behavior of the Wisconsin legislature do not have respect for the Constitution. The outcome is irrelevant, the right to petition the Government shall not be abridged.
I don't believe that elected OR appointed authorites should reduce or eliminate the RIGHT, not privledge, to discuss and negotiate in good faith. Regarding good faith and authorities, regarding the Middle East, not only should we [Americans] not be there, the people of those countries shouldn't tolerate dictratorships and autocracy. This is far, far different than supplying assistance to Japan. That is a humanitarian effort that was requested by an allied democractic nation.
* I believe our nation is under economic duress caused by multiple factors
- endless war and meddling, essentially reaching back to 1989.
- free market broken by bailouts of unregulated "too big to fail" megacorps while main street is left to crumble. The Federal Government doesn't bail out small business and shouldn't bail out the big ones because of their poor decisions either.
- the failure of individuals to learn the three R's; Responsiblity, Relationships, Respect, leading to the entitlement generation, and frankly, the behavior of some of our newfound Tea Party heros such as Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin. They have the right to be heard, but civility is not their forte, and unless they are competing to be a shock jock like Howard Stern, should reconsider not their message but their tone.
an interesting read about entitlement and the education system:
* I believe education is the future of this country and if we fail to educate the next generation we fail as a country.
* I am tired of Government pushing an extremely Conservative social agenda under the guise of 'smaller government' and 'economic crisis' hoping that the people are too dumb or lazy to notice that the morals of Christians are being pushed upon ALL citizens of the United States. If you want to push Conservative legislation, fine, but why aren't we purusing real economic reform? Defunding the EPA, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Planned Parenthood, education and outlawing abortions do not come close to fixing the budget.
* I'm tired of a constant louder and louder megaphone being used to shout at the 'enemy' under the guise of 'free speech'. We need to reform the electoral process to save any faith remaining in our political system.
I could probably go on for a while. Just because I see a different path than others about how to make sure my child grows up in a great America doesn't make me a lunatic. In fact, ironically, many of my thoughts line up with the 'Tea Party'. The difference is, in my 'Real Tea Party', corporate voices aren't the prominent role.
Here's my "contract for Americans". The only difference between my contract and the Tea Party's are #2 and #7.
1) Identify constitutionality of every new law
2) Protect the finite resources of our environment
3) Demand a balanced federal budget
4) Simplify the tax system
5) Audit federal government agencies for waste and constitutionality
6) Limit annual growth in federal spending
7) Repeal the healthcare legislation passed on March 23, 2010 and pass a single payer system
8) Pass an 'All-of-the-Above' Energy Policy
9) Reduce Earmarks
10) Reduce Taxes
* I am not a union employee. I don't agree with all aspects of unionized labor. I don't think people that are abusing the system should be protected. I also don't think we punish the abusers by assuming everyone is abusing the system and abolishing it.
* I don't think choices in State Government should be made based on influencing the next presidential election, such as our elected officials in Wisconsin are doing under the guise of less federal power and more state power.
* I believe in honoring contracts and allowing people to come to the table to discuss. In the private sector the recourse for a broken contract is the judicial system. Those claiming that there is a violation of separation of powers occurring in Wisconsin because a citizen is challenging the behavior of the Wisconsin legislature do not have respect for the Constitution. The outcome is irrelevant, the right to petition the Government shall not be abridged.
I don't believe that elected OR appointed authorites should reduce or eliminate the RIGHT, not privledge, to discuss and negotiate in good faith. Regarding good faith and authorities, regarding the Middle East, not only should we [Americans] not be there, the people of those countries shouldn't tolerate dictratorships and autocracy. This is far, far different than supplying assistance to Japan. That is a humanitarian effort that was requested by an allied democractic nation.
* I believe our nation is under economic duress caused by multiple factors
- endless war and meddling, essentially reaching back to 1989.
- free market broken by bailouts of unregulated "too big to fail" megacorps while main street is left to crumble. The Federal Government doesn't bail out small business and shouldn't bail out the big ones because of their poor decisions either.
- the failure of individuals to learn the three R's; Responsiblity, Relationships, Respect, leading to the entitlement generation, and frankly, the behavior of some of our newfound Tea Party heros such as Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin. They have the right to be heard, but civility is not their forte, and unless they are competing to be a shock jock like Howard Stern, should reconsider not their message but their tone.
an interesting read about entitlement and the education system:
* I believe education is the future of this country and if we fail to educate the next generation we fail as a country.
* I am tired of Government pushing an extremely Conservative social agenda under the guise of 'smaller government' and 'economic crisis' hoping that the people are too dumb or lazy to notice that the morals of Christians are being pushed upon ALL citizens of the United States. If you want to push Conservative legislation, fine, but why aren't we purusing real economic reform? Defunding the EPA, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Planned Parenthood, education and outlawing abortions do not come close to fixing the budget.
* I'm tired of a constant louder and louder megaphone being used to shout at the 'enemy' under the guise of 'free speech'. We need to reform the electoral process to save any faith remaining in our political system.
I could probably go on for a while. Just because I see a different path than others about how to make sure my child grows up in a great America doesn't make me a lunatic. In fact, ironically, many of my thoughts line up with the 'Tea Party'. The difference is, in my 'Real Tea Party', corporate voices aren't the prominent role.
Here's my "contract for Americans". The only difference between my contract and the Tea Party's are #2 and #7.
1) Identify constitutionality of every new law
2) Protect the finite resources of our environment
3) Demand a balanced federal budget
4) Simplify the tax system
5) Audit federal government agencies for waste and constitutionality
6) Limit annual growth in federal spending
7) Repeal the healthcare legislation passed on March 23, 2010 and pass a single payer system
8) Pass an 'All-of-the-Above' Energy Policy
9) Reduce Earmarks
10) Reduce Taxes
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