Saturday, May 12, 2012



The most interesting billboard [to me] in West Bend is near Hwy 33 and 144.  It has previously displayed messages ranging from

and for several months before [and humorously, at least for me] afterwards it showed

Most interestingly now (sorry, no photo), is a simple billboard that states

"Governor Walker's reforms are working.  Visit to learn how."

While I'm sure this is a private billboard and public money has nothing to do with it, it's quite interesting to me to think that, which is of course publicly funded, is being used as some form of advertising.  Is there some legitimate fear that one of the reddest counties in the state are losing their, ahem, faith in the Governor's policies and results?  The lawns here appear to be peppered with support just the same as the lawns in my neighborhood are peppered with protest.

I don't really look forward to June 5th.  I don't expect either candidate to win by a large margin, and the state seems very polarized about Walker.  I frankly fear either outcome.  It's unclear if Barrett would or could make a difference based on how the populace has either embraced or divorced itself from our current Governor.

Who honestly believes that we'd be better off as "an all red state" or "an all blue state"?  We are a state of millions of different individual opinions that need to be heard equally.  This shouldn't be a sports match where there is a winner and a loser.